Almost In An Accident
Boy do I have a retarded driver story to tell you all.
Today while going to work, I was driving north on Dufferin past Lawrence. It is a 2 lane road and I am on the right lane. As I am approaching a signal light there is a car waiting to turn on the left lane trying to make a left hand turn into a plaza/parking lot. Of course being morning and it being busy with drivers getting to work there are cars waiting behind this car making the turn. About 4 or 5 cars behind waiting.
I am going 50-60km and as soon as I get to where these cars are waiting, right when I get beside the last car waiting, a dumb ass driver decides to pull to the right without signaling and proceed to change lane. I literally had seconds to react and pressed the brakes and had to swerve to the sidewalk to avoid hitting the other car. Who by the way decides to stop in the middle of the lane change. Did I mention this driver still didn't notice me until I honked the horn!
well thats my rant... I was really pissed off for a few hours. I should have rammed that retard and demanded money to fix my car.
Congratulations on the quick reaction time. That dork owes you.
- hwybear
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- Location: In YOUR rearview mirror!
Good Defence.
Similiar thing happened to me 2 years ago, but I had no hope in hell of moving. Guy changed the lanes and scraped the rear corner panel. He seemed even more embarrassed when he realized he hit a Crown Vic with stripes
Nice manoeuvring. I've had to breach shoulders and islands on two separate occasions while stopped at lights (once) and on the highway (once). I am religiously devoted to giving myself a car length between my nose and the rear end of the car ahead of me because of these experiences. It's VERY scary to see a car coming at you at 60km, or breaks squealing as you sit there waiting for the light to turn or traffic to move. You're a sitting duck.
I saw the driver an Astro van going westbound on the QEW today delivered from certain death as he spun out of control and went into the outside ditch, backward. I don't know if he cut off the rig or the rig cut him off, but that is the second time I have witnessed a violent spin out, and both times they were those Astro vans. He was luckier than he'll ever know.
I had a similar experience on the 401 almost a month ago. In my case, I did not move as I will not leave my lane for anything unless I can be sure the next lane over is clear. In this case, it wasn't clear 10 seconds ago and I didn't have time to check again, and I was also next to a solid line. Driver hit my passenger quarter panel and took off, I followed long enough to get vehicle plate, description, and driver description (forgot to get the shirt colour, which Bear pointed out ). The cops weren't able to press "fail to remain" charges as the other driver reported the collision later that day, but he does have an at-fault accident on his insurance record now, and for the small cost of betterment, I get a dirt-cheap repair on my messed up paint job.
Marquisse wrote:I saw the driver an Astro van going westbound on the QEW today delivered from certain death as he spun out of control and went into the outside ditch, backward. I don't know if he cut off the rig or the rig cut him off, but that is the second time I have witnessed a violent spin out, and both times they were those Astro vans. He was luckier than he'll ever know.
I still remember the first accident I witnessed first-hand. Similar thing. Blue Caravan (the old boxy style) in the right-hand lane, red Jetta in the centre lane on the 404 Northbound. Jetta suddenly veers into the right-hand lane, causing the Caravan to both brake hard and turn to the right, which wasn't a great maneuver in a time when tires weren't as well-engineered as they are today. The rear end kicked out, and the front end went straight into the ditch. The van got some air before the rear end flipped around and smashed to the ground, blowing out the hatch window. Driver and passenger were okay, and I remember them cursing out the Jetta driver who was parked 200 m up smoking a cigarette.
Squishy wrote:... I did not move as I will not leave my lane for anything unless I can be sure the next lane over is clear.
To maximize your odds of having a clear lane to your right?... Drive faster than everyone else
Today's advise subtotal = $$no charge$$
EDIT: Just kidding!
(slower is safer!)
Thanks guy... I was lucky there werent any bystanders on the sidewalk too which is why I decided to take it.
I am no speedy and always make sure to use the 2 second rule but this seems too common nowadays. I see it happen to other cars while I am driving too.
- Radar Identified
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Dang - like the others were saying, nice job in avoiding the crash. A lot of drivers would've just smashed the brakes, which, in that case, wouldn't have been enough!
Bookm wrote:Squishy wrote:... I did not move as I will not leave my lane for anything unless I can be sure the next lane over is clear.
To maximize your odds of having a clear lane to your right?... Drive faster than everyone else
Today's advise subtotal = $$no charge$$
EDIT: Just kidding!
(slower is safer!)
What happens when the car comes from the lane to your right? Drive faster than the lane to your left at all times? (Doesn't that violate lane discipline?)
Oh, oh, I know. Always drive at your speed limiter in the left lane, so you have both a right lane free and the paved shoulder to use. I think I see the light...
- Radar Identified
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- Location: Toronto
"You have to be WAY faster than you need to be!" -- Bookm

Sorry, couldn't resist. That was an out-of-context quote from CWD2.
Man evolved quite successfully without the ability to to travel faster than a brisk run. So, technically, we are ALL moving "WAAYY faster than we need to be"
(took me quite a while to to come up with a justification for THAT goofy remark, LOL)
Well, my trailing at a distance behind other cars paid off today. I was rear-ended on the QEW this am. No damage sustained to my vehicle, but the guy who rear-ended me has a crinkled up hood. No charges laid on the other driver, from what I understand. Obviously, no charges with me, either. There was no sudden stop, as the traffic was stop and go and we were in the right lane. I guess the other driver turned away for a second and WHAM.
- Radar Identified
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- Location: Toronto
I wonder what he might've turned away for...
(Cellphone... text message...)
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