Thanks again for your feedback. I enjoy the discourse. Note I mentioned verging on entrapment. Maybe not inducing - but condoning the offence through infraction issuance rather than remedying the reason why the offence occurs when the reason is known (e.g. design flaw, tree limb obstruction, etc.) and clearly rectifiable to the enforcement agency/body (i.e police).
Please take no personal offence from my comments, but, with all due respect, (and most importantly for your service) the political body will never say point blank to do so. It is often quite costly to rectify design issues and you can't ignore the fact the there is an implicit revenue gain from issuing tickets. Politicians want a quick fix and response to ensure that residents are satisfied and to get themselves re-elected.
The bigger and harder question to ask is why are drivers violating the law overall and specifically in that particular area and to solve the underlying problem. I don't agree with known problematic areas/intersections not being fixed and tickets continually being issued and in some cases for years on end!
Have you ever requested that a sign or intersection be re-designed or fixed knowing that the enforcement is not fair to drivers despite an order to do so? In certain situations something as minor as trimming a tree branch or moving a sign to a more visible location is not hard to do. Of course intersection issues and redesign are more involved. After rectification subsequent enforcement is fair.