
Crazy Drivers Found

Author: hwybear

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Unread post by hwybear »

I just completed a 2 day road trip to Iowa. Travelled there for a friend to buy a used car. It was a long drive 9hrs each way.

The driving in Illinois (south end of Chicago) makes what I have seen of GTR drivers look like angels. Due to all the ramps, the speed is 45mph (80km ?) anyway, was getting smoked out there, wow! vehicles criss crossing each other, going down paved shoulder, using ramps as passing lanes! Some vehicles appeared to have tow hooks as the car behind was following so close!

Be careful to anyone travelling over there!

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Unread post by racer »

You know, you just gave me a great idea - listing places where it might be dangerous for us Ontario drivers to drive.

Let's start the list

1. GTA

2. Montreal

3. South end of Chicago


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Unread post by Reflections »

Apparently Mississippi is the worst place to drive, according to recent studies :shock: . Most deaths per capita. OR
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