
Would This Be Legal?...

Author: Bookm

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Would This Be Legal?...

Unread post by Bookm »

While driving downtown today, the car I was following slowed to a stop for several seconds. I stopped behind him and noticed he was pointing out one of the stores to his passenger. He then went to go, but stopped again for more discussion with his passenger. I assumed he didn't realize he was blocking the lane of traffic so I assisted him with a "courtesy beep" of the horn (so short it was almost indistinguishable).

Well, the driver took quite the offense to this and flew the one-finger salute at me out his window.

So my HTA question is this...

Since I was in my big super-cab 4X4 F150, is it legal to lock in the 4WD, mash the gas, and push his little POS Kia sideways down the street until it becomes crushed up against a concrete wall? (as long as I don't speed?)

I was about to do just that, but thought I should run it by the experts here first.

Last edited by Bookm on Wed Sep 23, 2009 1:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by FiReSTaRT »

Well, I would have just popped a wheelie and run him over (assuming your engine is ballsy enough to do it), but in any case, it would probably fall under stunting:

iii. driving a motor vehicle in a manner that indicates an intention to drive, without justification, as close as possible to another vehicle, pedestrian or fixed object on or near the highway

Effing laws keep trying to ruin our fun :(

What kind of a man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.
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Unread post by Frozenover »

I believe the former AG Michael Bryant decided that this was legal when the offending vehicle was a bike.

It shouldn't be hard to argue that a Kia and bike are similiar enough to warrent the same treatment. :lol:

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Unread post by amcamx »

The considerate "city-driver" thing to do would have been to show him the errors of his way. If a physical beating could not be done then a simple; pull up beside him, scream obscenities at him and his family and peel away; should do it! :lol:

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Unread post by Radar Identified »

Bookm wrote:I stopped behind him and noticed he was pointing out one of the stores to his passenger. He then went to go, but stopped again for more discussion with his passenger. I assumed he didn't realize he was blocking the lane of traffic

He had just returned from a vacation in Yellowstone National Park and hadn't readjusted his driving habits. :evil:

amcamx wrote:The considerate "city-driver" thing to do would have been to show him the errors of his way. If a physical beating could not be done then a simple; pull up beside him, scream obscenities at him and his family and peel away; should do it!

Also don't forget throwing heavy, blunt objects (bricks, hammers) at/into the car. :shock:

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Unread post by FiReSTaRT »

Pennies and spark plugs are more effective :twisted:

What kind of a man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.
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Unread post by Marquisse »

And so are semi-full cups of timmies coffee/tea/hot chocolate. :oops:

Really, I just lost my grip while giving an insane driver trying to drive me out of my small lane on Main St East in Hamilton the Birdie.

My timmies cup and its contents landed on his windshield by accident.

He slowed down. :twisted:

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Unread post by FiReSTaRT »

Pennies and spark plugs are old rider tricks (even though they're not really used these days).. Pennies will bounce over the hood and create lots of small dents.. A spark plug will in 95% of the cases render a windshield irreparable.

What kind of a man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.
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Unread post by Radar Identified »

Marquisse wrote:My timmies cup and its contents landed on his windshield by accident.

Note to self: Don't get Marquisse angry. :shock: Although, that was pretty funny. If I had witnessed it, I think I would have made a point of getting his attention and telling him what a nice windshield he had.

FiReSTaRT wrote:Pennies and spark plugs are old rider tricks (even though they're not really used these days)..

Actually, you just explained something that I'd been wondering about. One of my former co-workers rides a Harley everywhere during the summer, and when he was showing us the bike he had a little bag of old spark plugs in a side pouch. :shock: He was asked about it: "Repair kit?" "Nope, that's for a****** drivers." Never realized what he meant until now. :shock:

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Unread post by Reflections »

That reminds me of this: ... story.html

and this excerpt.....

The driver was stopped by Northumberland OPP and issued a ticket.

As he was pulling away, he flashed a one-finger salute at the officer, who then stopped the vehicle again.

The man was issued a second ticket for making an improper hand signal, an offence that carries a $110 fine. OR
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Unread post by amcamx »

FiReSTaRT wrote:Pennies and spark plugs are more effective :twisted:

But an "ACME" anvil would be funnier! 8)

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