
Parked Vehicle Obstructing Cars Turning Left

Author: swimqueen

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Parked Vehicle Obstructing Cars Turning Left

Unread post by swimqueen »

The city of Barrie allows cars to park between the sidewalk and the road . At the nearest intersection to our home a pick up truck is often parked in that place . This means that cars turning onto Cundles E - a busy street at times , have to go out onto Cundles to see oncoming traffic and risk a collision .Barrie says it is perfectly legal for this pick up to be parked there . I keep emailing them and asking if someone has to die before they revise this by law . They have stopped answering my emails .

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Re: Parked Vehicle Obstructing Cars Turning Left

Unread post by ynotp »

Is it by chance a commercial pick up truck? Most towns don't allow you to park commercial vehicles in residential areas.

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Re: Parked Vehicle Obstructing Cars Turning Left

Unread post by syntst »

Typically the amount of space between the sidewalk and the road can only accommodate a small vehicle. A pickup truck would either block the sidewalk or stick out onto the road in a possible hazardous situation. Instead of approaching it as parking in the boulevard take the position that it's blocking the sidewalk. There should be bylaws preventing the blocking of a sidewalk and maybe there's something in the HTA about the way the vehicle is sticking out on the road at a right angle.

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Re: Parked Vehicle Obstructing Cars Turning Left

Unread post by swimqueen »

No ,it is not a commercial vehicle . There appear to be 3-4 young men living in the house each with their own vehicle plus a boat on a trailer that sits in the single car driveway all summer and a snowmobile that sits on a trailer most of the winter . They have a parking space at the back of their house but rarely use it .

City of Barrie is also hung up on the vehicles blocking part of the sidewalk or the road and fluff off that in order to make a left turn especially it is necessary to drive out onto Cundles to see if there is oncoming traffic . I keep asking them if someone has to die in a horrific crash before they amend the bylaw. The bylaw was probably passed when Barrie was mostly single family homes with one car . Now it is common for groups of people to own or rent a house each with their own vehicle.

We have lived in this neighborhood for 20 yrs and it is only when this last group moved in that anyone ever parked between the sidewalk and the road . City of Barrie acts as if by-laws are written in stone and can never be changed.

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Re: Parked Vehicle Obstructing Cars Turning Left

Unread post by ynotp »

If they are legally parked then I would suggest you talk to your neighbours about your concerns and see if they might rearrange who parks on the blvd.

If that doesn't work out then I am afraid there is nothing you can do but accept it.

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Re: Parked Vehicle Obstructing Cars Turning Left

Unread post by swimqueen »

One of my colleagues lives in Milton and I happened to mention how Barrie is doing nothing about the boulevard parking problem . She stated that there is virtually no boulevard parking in MIlton . I went online and found an engineering report that was written because someone in Milton wanted to shorten the 'No Bouulevard'parking rule from the current 50m to 30 m . The engineering report stated no and quoted 'The Transportation Association of Canada (TAC) that shortening the distance is not possible based on speed calculations where a vehicle travelling at 50kmh needs 60 metres to avoid a collision with a vehicle attempting to turn into a street . Mississauga has recently adopted the same 50m from the intersection by-law . Newmarket allows no boulevard parking . I have forwarded all this info to Barrie's mayor and my city councillor. I have been told by the mayor that Barrie's Engineering Dept had assessed the current situation - turning into a road when a pick-up truck is totally blocking your sightlines - as safe . So I have asked the Mayor to review the educational background and credentials of Barrie's engineering dept as very few engineers seem to agree with them.

Corporation of the Town of Milton Report # ENG-016-12

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