No Disclosure.
Hi fellows
I am new to the forum and in need of some support
Here is my story. on the 22nd Oct, 2008. I got issued a ticket for 144 (18 ) Failing to stop at the red light and 7(1) (C)Drive motor vehicle no current validation on the plate. The court day is schedualed for 10 Nov 2009 (tomorrow). Applyed for a disclosure on Sept 29 2009 exactly 6 weeks before the court. But have not resived it yet. I have been driving for a while now, but never been to court before. Just ned some guidens, where do I go to ?(Prosecuter, justece of the peace and/or judge)and
Whom do i speak to?
Do I stick to my story of not having a disclosure or do I need an additional story just in case?
Thank you in Advence.
First off talk to the prosecutor see what he offers you. Look for the cop as well. If cop doesn't show up you win.
DO NOT accept any papers prosecutor tries to give you. You do not want to receive disclosure 5 minutes before the court.
If you do not like the offer, you can also ask for stay due to non-disclosure. They will try to reschedule, but you have to be firm not to allow that b/c you were in there once already, and it had been so long. (11B charter argument)
"The hardest thing to explain is the obvious"
Ontario Traffic Ticket | Ontario Highway Traffic Act
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