
Speeding Ticket

Author: liveontheedge

Posts: 12
Joined: Wed May 21, 2008 6:04 pm


Unread post by klayymann »

ticketcombat wrote:Thanks for your comments on my site. I like to hear that it helps people!

You only send disclosure to the Crown. It's their responsibility to provide it to you. (They usually forward it to the cop, but let them do that).

Most Crown offices have a binder with every laser and radar manual. Your request to see it is almost never responded to except to copy the testing pages. If you push for it, they usually allow you to view it at their office. But you don't want to push for it. Use the lack of disclosure to apply for a stay.

I have recieved my disclosure but it was faxed and some pages are fuzzy and cut off, can i use this to either stay my case or adjourn it to a later date?? one of these pages is a real fuzzy copy of the radar testing page .

what did you mean by "Most Crown offices have a binder with every laser and radar manual. Your request to see it is almost never responded to except to copy the testing pages. If you push for it, they usually allow you to view it at their office. But you don't want to push for it. Use the lack of disclosure to apply for a stay"

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Unread post by Proper1 »

Well done, liveontheedge. Congratulations on sticking it through to the end.

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