
My Ticket: Contrary To The Highway Traffic Act 32(1)

Author: sherioteri

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My Ticket: Contrary To The Highway Traffic Act 32(1)

Unread post by sherioteri »


I received a ticket for "not having a valid driver's license". My license expired in the summer. It was a mistake on my part, as I sent in my renewal form by mail (along with my kids health card renewals) rather than go in for the renewal picture.

I was actually quite shocked when the officer told me that my license was expired. A few months prior to renewal, I had moved and changed addresses and then somehow I thought that the address change was the new license.

In any event, I was charged for not having a license. My husband picked me up right away and I went straight to the licensing office and renewed it.

I would like to take this to court to avoid having to pay the $325.00. Any ideas on this one?


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Unread post by hwybear »

MTO is not on strike.

The company that does the "testing" is on strike.

Therefore if it is a regular renewal for licences or plates it is business as usual.

IF it is an expired licence waiting for testing, this time period has been extended to 01JUL10.

Above is merely a suggestion/thought and in no way constitutes legal advice or views of my employer.
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Unread post by hwybear »

cruzmisl wrote:What about people with expired G2's?

The person remains a G2 and....

Any driver who holds a licence that expired on or after August 24, 2009 will continue to be covered under the automatic licence extension put in place by the MTO until July 1st, 2010.

*** NOTE *** this is drivers waiting for testing only.............regular renewals can still be done.

Above is merely a suggestion/thought and in no way constitutes legal advice or views of my employer.
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