
Longboarding And The Highway Traffic Act

Author: JayEmSee

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Longboarding And The Highway Traffic Act

Unread post by JayEmSee »

alright well to get started ive developed a passion for longboarding

for those of you who dont already know a longboard is a big skateboard too heavy for tricks and stuff but boy can they ever go fast

my hobbies include going up the escarpment here in hamilton and stoney creek and riding down the roads leading to the lower part of the city. just wondering here. what would happen if i was going down a hill and was stopped or even chased by a police cruiser?

would i face a speeding charge?

could i possibly get demerit points?

what could happen if i was racing down a hill on my longboard and was caught by the police? not to mention that longboards can go fast

i saw a video on youtube and a cop radared a guy going 57mph down a hill but he didnt do anything about it.

what law would i be breaking by going fast on my longboard on a road?

does the Highway Traffic Act or any other Act or law cover longboarders/skateboarders?

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Unread post by racer »

You are not a "motorized vehicle", so no, OHTA doesn't cover it. Is there a sign saying "no pedestrians allowed" or such? Besides, the Beckett drive is too steep, and the 403 would be off-limits for sure.

"The more laws, the less justice" - Marcus Tullius Cicero
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Ontario Traffic Ticket | Ontario Highway Traffic Act
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Unread post by JayEmSee »

alright so longboarding on the highway is a definite no

and there was no "no pedestrian" sign in fact the road i was going on even had a sidewalk

theres also many cyclists that go down that hill aswell and many others that i have been riding on

what about things like stopping on a stop sign? and signaling?

would i get in trouble for not stopping at a stop sign or signaling?

im on a skateboard pretty much but would the same rules that apply to a cyclists apply to me aswell?

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Unread post by Marquisse »

Yep Re: the Beckett route. A motorist just plunged 20 meters into the ravine last night, and they were still trying to get him off the escarpment this morning. I've been living in the Hammer for close to 3 years now and I'm still petrified on some of the escarpment roads.

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Unread post by JayEmSee »

those roads are pretty sketchy i remember the huge accident that happened on highway 20 in the summer not sure exactly what happened but the skid marks all over the road were enough to tell me where that the vehicle was going right off the road :S

ive been longboarding down new mountain road in stoney creek, and i know others that have down queen street and even the wellington jolly cut :S!

is that illegal because i see cyclists down there all the time?

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Unread post by FyreStorm »

Cyclists are vehicles...

If you insist, just sign your organ donor card, it's the right thing to do...

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