
Fines Going Up???

Author: cruzmisl

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Fines Going Up???

Unread post by cruzmisl »


I thought I read somewhere the fines for Provincial offences were going up. Any info on this or is it just a rumor?



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Radar Identified
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Set fines are not changing. However, maximum penalties are changing.

- Careless Driving will be max $2000 fine, up from $1000

- Failure to remain at scene will be max $2000 fine, up from $1000

- Red light - fail to stop will be max $1000 fine, up from $500

- Fail to give way to an emergency vehicle will go to a max penalty of $2000 and 2 year licence suspension (FINALLY), up from current max penalty of $500

- Driver fail to wear seatbelt assembly or fail to ensure passenger under 16 is wearing a seat belt will go to a max fine of $1000, up from $500

Also: Subsequent offences for failure to stop/give way to an emergency vehicle results in a maximum fine of $4000, two-year licence suspension, and the possibility of up to 6 months in jail.

* The above is NOT legal advice. By acting on anything I have said, you assume responsibility for any outcome and consequences. * OR
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Radar Identified wrote:Set fines are not changing. However, maximum penalties are changing.

So unless someone receives a summons where the JP sets the fine, it will remain the same.

Above is merely a suggestion/thought and in no way constitutes legal advice or views of my employer.
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Radar Identified
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January 1.

* The above is NOT legal advice. By acting on anything I have said, you assume responsibility for any outcome and consequences. * OR
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Unread post by hwybear »

a few set fines have went up. The ones I remember are..

Careless Driving: from $265 to $400 plus surcharge = $490

Seatbelt: from $85 to $200 plus surcharge = $240

Fail to stop vehicle on right for police: from $85 to $400 plus surcharge = $490

Fail to pull to stop for approaching emergency vehicle (police, fire, EMS): from $85 to $400 plus surcharge = $490

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Unread post by browsing »

Effective Jan. 1, various fines will be doubling, tripling or even quadrupling, the OPP says.

The fine for driving without a seatbelt and child seat violations will now cost $240 instead of $110.

Red light violations will now set a driver back $325 instead of $110, or $490 instead of $110 in a Community Safety Zone.

Tickets for failing to stop for an emergency vehicle are increasing the most – from $110 to $490.

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