
Set Fines Ammount, Question

Author: bobajob

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Set Fines Ammount, Question

Unread post by bobajob »

Hey guy's

I had my day in court, saw the prosecutor and as advised by all on here, she took me down from 30-49 to 20-29

saying that my original one was 4 points and bringing it down to 3 points and said how much the fine was which now I can't bloody well remember.

So I thought I pleaded to driving at 129 , she scribbled some notes on the form and I then handed it in at the court hearing and then I went and paid it at the cash desk ,they took all the paperwork and I just gotta recipt and a visa recipt.

So getting home and putting the paperwork away, I thought I'd calculate it. according to the various websites and even the ontario websites.

29 over is 3.75/kilo, (108.75) there was also something else on there, I think $25.00 and another $5

so this doesnt add up and I have no paperwork to backtrack and check on.

108.75+25+5=$138.75 not $160.50

Its a $20 difference, have I made a mistake in calculating this, or is there something wrong here, can they make up a fine?

Can I go back and ask them to check it?

Also, will this be on my drivers abstract now? if not how long does it take to hit it.

I'm assuming that it will show 20-29 over the speed limit 3 points

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Re: Set Fines Ammount, Question

Unread post by bobajob »

I had a thought that somehow they had not changed my speed but even at 30 over @ $6/kil would make the basic fine $180, so I'm fore sure in the lower bracket..

<confused> just when I thought it was safe to go back into the water :)

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Re: Set Fines Ammount, Question

Unread post by highwaystar »

Since the matter was dealt in court, its not the 'set fine' rate that applies, but rather the 'statutory' rate. In your case, at 29 over you should have paid:

29 km @ $4.50/km = $130.50 {fine}

$25 {victim fine surcharge}

$5 {court fee}


$160.50 {total payable}

That's assuming it took place in a regular zone. If the offence occured in a community safety zone or construction area, the applicable rates change.

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Re: Set Fines Ammount, Question

Unread post by bobajob »

Ahhhh ! thats makes perfect sense, thanks highwaystar,

and yes in a reg zone,


safe for me to go out and enjoy the sunshine with a clear mind :)

highwaystar wrote:Since the matter was dealt in court, its not the 'set fine' rate that applies, but rather the 'statutory' rate. In your case, at 29 over you should have paid:

29 km @ $4.50/km = $130.50 {fine}

$25 {victim fine surcharge}

$5 {court fee}


$160.50 {total payable}

That's assuming it took place in a regular zone. If the offence occured in a community safety zone or construction area, the applicable rates change.

* NO you cant touch your phone
* Speeding is speeding
* Challenge every ticket
* Impaired driving, you should be locked up UNDER the jail
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