
Parked Facing Wrong Way, Parking On One Side Only

Author: brantim

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Parked Facing Wrong Way, Parking On One Side Only

Unread post by brantim »

Last week I went to my friend's house at 9.30 pm to drop off something and parked the car for 15 min. curbside and got a ticket for "parked facing the wrong way". This is a two way street in east-west direction in a residential area. The houses are on the south side of the street and parking is allowed on that side. On the north side there is fenced off school grounds and parking is not allowed. I entered the street heading west. As there is no parking on my right, i cut across into left lane and parked curbside in front of my friends house. After 15 min. I cut across into right lane and proceeded westwards to get to my home. Now it seems to me what I did is least disruptive to the traffic and safer. Otherwise, if I have to follow the rule by the letter, I have to make a three point turn to park the car and again a three point turn to get out of there. The street is not wide enough to make smooth U-turns. This seems to be more disruptive to traffic and less safe. Again yesterday when I went to their house, there was a city bus following me. Again instead of disrupting the moving bus, I parked like before. Can experts please advise me about this. I intend to go to the court to see whether the bylaw can be amended to make it safer. I very much appreciate your help and advice.



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Unread post by hwybear »

From what I have seen it is only safe to park on the proper side. I have seen vehicle going in one direction, only to get the outline of a vehicle ahead,not seeing red (reflectors on back of vehicle), therefore thought the vehicle was coming at them with no lights on and went right...only to end up going across a curb and onto a lawn.

Someone parked in that position (wrong side of road) will have an obstructed view to oncoming traffic to pull out

Don't know of anywhere where it is legal to park facing oncoming traffic....even if your are one of us crazy Canuks visiting England.

Above is merely a suggestion/thought and in no way constitutes legal advice or views of my employer.
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hwybear wrote:From what I have seen it is only safe to park on the proper side. I have seen vehicle going in one direction, only to get the outline of a vehicle ahead,not seeing red (reflectors on back of vehicle), therefore thought the vehicle was coming at them with no lights on and went right...only to end up going across a curb and onto a lawn.

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Unread post by brantim »

I want to remind that the parking is permitted only on the south side of this two way road. What is the right way to park in this particular scenario ?(provided there is no bylaw) what would you do as a conscientious driver?

Please comment.


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Re: Parked Facing Wrong Way, Parking On One Side Only

Unread post by viper1 »

brantim wrote:Last week I went to my friend's house at 9.30 pm to drop off something and parked the car for 15 min. curbside and got a ticket for "parked facing the wrong way". This is a two way street in east-west direction in a residential area. The houses are on the south side of the street and parking is allowed on that side. On the north side there is fenced off school grounds and parking is not allowed. I entered the street heading west. As there is no parking on my right, i cut across into left lane and parked curbside in front of my friends house. After 15 min. I cut across into right lane and proceeded westwards to get to my home. Now it seems to me what I did is least disruptive to the traffic and safer. Otherwise, if I have to follow the rule by the letter, I have to make a three point turn to park the car and again a three point turn to get out of there. The street is not wide enough to make smooth U-turns. This seems to be more disruptive to traffic and less safe. Again yesterday when I went to their house, there was a city bus following me. Again instead of disrupting the moving bus, I parked like before. Can experts please advise me about this. I intend to go to the court to see whether the bylaw can be amended to make it safer. I very much appreciate your help and advice.



To beat it you need to go to court.

As easy as it gets if you get creative.

You were delivering something (medicine maybe) There is a provision in most bylaws for delivery cars /trucks.

It is usually 15/20 minutes.(but not in No Stopping times)

/Usually if you do the above at the ticket place they will cancel it./



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Unread post by hwybear »

brantim wrote:provided there is no bylaw, what would you do as a conscientious driver?

I will always park right wheel to right side or always keep right. If it means I turn my vehicle aroun, so be it.

it is not b/c of work I do's a little OCD, even in my own driveway 2 wide...right wheel to grass edge on right....if my wife happens to park on the "right side" of the driveway, so I now have to park on the "left side", I will back the car in so the vehicle right is still against the grass edge

Above is merely a suggestion/thought and in no way constitutes legal advice or views of my employer.
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