
Disobey Sign. Ticket Is Miss. Intersec. Where It Took Place

Author: Metalico

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Disobey Sign. Ticket Is Miss. Intersec. Where It Took Place

Unread post by Metalico »

I received a ticket under HTA Sec 182 (2) for disobeying a sign. I wasn't familiar with the area and when I got to the intersection, there was a huge line up, but this Honda Civic stoped to let me into the southbound lane (northbound was closed due to contruction, southbound lane was open to both, my intention was to go north but I got very confused) Everything happened very quick, as soon as I turned southbound, I realize the sign but was too late, the Honda Civic pulls beside me (I was riding my motorcycle) and the driver, shows me is badge and asks me to pull into de next McDonalds parking lot. It was a plain clothes officer in an unmarked car. I sent my ticket to court to request a trial, I feel that I was trapped but I know I can't do anything about it as I have no witnesses, but there is one thing I realize: the ticket says that I desobeyd the sign going southbound on Keele Street but doesn't mention the intersection. does it suppose to mention the Street where I came from?

The sign says no left turning from this street into Keele Street. Does any one know anything about this? Thanks

Last edited by Metalico on Thu Mar 11, 2010 10:01 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Unread post by Metalico »

Beleafer81, probably it was is personal car and he was going home or to work or maybe it was his day off, honestly I didn't see anything there to show the car belongs to the police force.

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Traffic Law
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Unread post by Traffic Law »

Interesting story but I have to tell you there is no "entrapment" if this even exist in traffic cases.

In your situation you may still have several arguments to advance. You should obtain disclosure and review it. This particular allegation carries 2 demerit points.

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Unread post by Metalico »

There was entrapment, but I have no way to prove it, reason why I dont want to go that way. All I would like to know is if the ticket should say the intersection where it took place, because my ticket says disobey sign southbound on Keele Street but the reason why I got the ticket was because I turned into Keele St. from a side street. I have trial next week but honestly I don't know what to do.

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