
Two Failing To Obey A Stop Sign Ticket At The Same Time...

Author: Steelblubber

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Two Failing To Obey A Stop Sign Ticket At The Same Time...

Unread post by Steelblubber »

First of all, thank you all in advance for any suggestions...

I was driving back home after a movie last night at around 10pm. I wasn't in a hurry and I was only a very short distance away from my home. I am known to be a careful driver who always obey traffic signs and laws. After I stopped and passed Banbury Road and Barrydale Crescent as well as Abbeywood Trl and Barrydale Crescent (both with four way stop sign), cop stopped me... I was surprised he stopped me because I knew I stopped for both stop sign. When he approached me, he said I failed to stop TWO stop signs... and gave me two tickets with a fine of $110 each and 3 points each...

Since I live in the area, and familiar with all the stop sign (which I always obey), how can I approach this situation?

Thank you all once again in advance for everything.

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Radar Identified
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Unread post by Radar Identified »

Well, unfortunately, familiarity with the area, and even a history of no driving convictions, won't really help you beat this charge.

The best thing to do is fight both tickets. There are some strategies you could use after you've set a trial date. For example, where was the officer when you allegedly failed to stop? (Behind, on an intersecting road...?) He may not have been able to properly observe the offence (don't think this is so easily proven, however). You could also offer to plea-bargain to one of the charges in exchange for dropping the other, or something like that. But the only way to get into a better position than you're in now is to pick option 3 on the ticket.

* The above is NOT legal advice. By acting on anything I have said, you assume responsibility for any outcome and consequences. * OR
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