
Failure To Stop At Stop Sign On Snowy Day

Author: doggiebisket03

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Failure To Stop At Stop Sign On Snowy Day

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I have always stopped at a stop sign. This was my first time EVER and I feel this horrible guilt.

It was on Jan 12, it was a snowy day that day I was just exiting the highway getting off the ramp. About to make a right turn the road was slippery I looked left to check for cars and my car slipped out a bit and since my car was out on the road and a car was approaching I had to accelerate to avoid getting hit. Right after the turn the police had pulled me over.

I just don't want to lose any dermit points and increase my insurance. Do I have a case?

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Re: Failure To Stop At Stop Sign On Snowy Day

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Option (3), plead not guilty and request a date for trial.

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Re: Failure To Stop At Stop Sign On Snowy Day

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And if you caused an accident by getting t-boned?

Snow and Ice are something that you can see and should adjust for. Many people pass the same stop sign and manage to stop in snow and ice.


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Re: Failure To Stop At Stop Sign On Snowy Day

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I know that I am at fault. I was already driving really slowly on the ramp. But I really don't want my insurance price to increase that much because if it does I won't be able to afford to drive anymore. it was one mistake and I really will learn my lesson.

Can anyone help me?

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Re: Failure To Stop At Stop Sign On Snowy Day

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Well... if you have no prior convictions, you should be able to plea-bargain it down to a lesser charge. They might offer you a municipal by-law infraction, or some Highway Traffic Act infraction that is less expensive and has 2 demerit points or less. diehard told you how to start: option 3. Take your ticket to the courthouse listed on the back and fill out a Notice of Intent to Appear. They will then send you a Notice of Trial in the mail. Depending on where you are, you may get a First Attendance option. This allows you to walk in and talk to the Prosecutor to plea-bargain. Do NOT choose option 2, which is "plead guilty with an explanation." This does not reduce the points and it still results in the same conviction on your driver record.

If there is no First Attendance offered, the officer may not show up on the day of trial. Or, if you want to fight it full-on, they may not provide disclosure, or take too long to bring it to trial and you can file an 11B.

Alternatively, if this all seems a bit intimidating, you can hire a paralegal to represent you. Costs more but will save you time.

* The above is NOT legal advice. By acting on anything I have said, you assume responsibility for any outcome and consequences. * OR
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Re: Failure To Stop At Stop Sign On Snowy Day

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I wouldn't say there's "no way." All depends on what you plea-bargain to. A municipal by-law infraction for disobeying a sign would not carry demerit points.

* The above is NOT legal advice. By acting on anything I have said, you assume responsibility for any outcome and consequences. * OR
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