
Disobeyed Sign-want To Fight It But Need Info First

Author: freedom elz

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freedom elz
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Disobeyed Sign-want To Fight It But Need Info First

Unread post by freedom elz »

Hi All,

Great forum and feedback!

I was issued a ticket today for disobeying a sign which was newly erected sign (no left turn) and blocked from my view by an excavator in a construction zone.

I have little knowledge of the process to fight the ticket and am wondering

a) approixmately how far out would my trial date be set?

b) once notified of the trial date could I reschedule if it lands on a date when I would be unable to attend?

I have heard that simply failing to show up on the day of the trial could result in having additional fines levied agianst you, I am concerned becuase there is a two week period this August where I will be out of the country.

Many thanks for any advice.

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Radar Identified
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Re: Disobeyed Sign-want To Fight It But Need Info First

Unread post by Radar Identified »

freedom elz wrote:a) approixmately how far out would my trial date be set?

Depends on where you got the ticket. Toronto could take 6+ months. Timmins would probably be a week.

freedom elz wrote:b) once notified of the trial date could I reschedule if it lands on a date when I would be unable to attend?

You can, ASAP, go before a Justice of the Peace and explain you need to re-schedule. The delay would then be "charged to you" if, down the road, you needed to consider an 11B (unreasonable delay of trial) motion. Alternatively you could have a friend appear on your behalf to ask for an adjournment on the "day of" if you're not available, but rescheduling early is usually the better option. Or, you could hire a paralegal.

* The above is NOT legal advice. By acting on anything I have said, you assume responsibility for any outcome and consequences. * OR
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