
How Do I Reduce The Charge Of An Expired License Plate?

Author: Mazgazine1

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How Do I Reduce The Charge Of An Expired License Plate?

Unread post by Mazgazine1 »

I read this topic about an expired license plate:

A forum member in that topic (named Stanton) said "If it's the cost of the fine that's your concern, request a first attendance meeting with the Crown Prosecutor. Show them proof that you renewed your plate right away and they'll probably offer you a significantly reduced fine (possibly $40-$50) if you plead guilty."

I am in London, Ontario, and I had asked to dispute the charge (its an extra $110 over top of the renewal of $75, I didn't want to pay that much of a penalty...). My court date is March 15th, and I have my receipts and information to prove that I was able to renew my plate as soon as I could. (I was on the highway, had to drive to Woodstock for the renewal).

Where do I go get the information to call the Crown Prosecutor? Is it possible to do this before the court date? I wish I found this forum earlier, so I wasn't clogging up the court system.. The phone numbers given on this site are for the court house on 80 Dundas Street , where as my court date is at 824 Dundas street.

Any help or advice is appreciated, thanks!

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Re: How Do I Reduce The Charge Of An Expired License Plate?

Unread post by viper1 »

Mazgazine1 wrote:I read this topic about an expired license plate:

A forum member in that topic (named Stanton) said "If it's the cost of the fine that's your concern, request a first attendance meeting with the Crown Prosecutor. Show them proof that you renewed your plate right away and they'll probably offer you a significantly reduced fine (possibly $40-$50) if you plead guilty."

I am in London, Ontario, and I had asked to dispute the charge (its an extra $110 over top of the renewal of $75, I didn't want to pay that much of a penalty...). My court date is March 15th, and I have my receipts and information to prove that I was able to renew my plate as soon as I could. (I was on the highway, had to drive to Woodstock for the renewal).

Where do I go get the information to call the Crown Prosecutor? Is it possible to do this before the court date? I wish I found this forum earlier, so I wasn't clogging up the court system.. The phone numbers given on this site are for the court house on 80 Dundas Street , where as my court date is at 824 Dundas street.

Any help or advice is appreciated, thanks!

It is not really a big deal.

Is your time worth it?

Do you want just to keep your license clean?

It is not easy to deal with court process.



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