
Speeding Ticket!

Author: imaher

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Speeding Ticket!

Unread post by imaher »

Am really confused about this one, this morning i got a reduced speeding ticket (80km speed in 60 zone), and in the ticket the cop wrote 10km over the speeding limit.. and it has the 'R' code in it.. and the cop said i need to pay this and it doesn't have any points on it..

im fine with paying the ticket which is only 40 dollars but my biggest concern, will it show in my record ? or only tickets that has points will show up in the record???

any idea's ??

I have two of my friends of mine who got the same ticket 10km over and he paid the amount and it didnt show up in his record..

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Re: Speeding Ticket!

Unread post by hwybear »

Any conviction under the HTA will go on your driving record and remain on the record for life!!!!

Above is merely a suggestion/thought and in no way constitutes legal advice or views of my employer.
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Re: Speeding Ticket!

Unread post by imaher »

Thanks, but will that effect my insurance payment ?!

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Re: Speeding Ticket!

Unread post by Stanton »

Depends on your provider/policy and record. Many overlook your first minor conviction.

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Re: Speeding Ticket!

Unread post by Reflections »

It may be best to pay this one and move on. Odds are you will not see an insurance hike for this, but we can't sure. OR
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Re: Speeding Ticket!

Unread post by Radar Identified »

hwybear wrote:Any conviction under the HTA will go on your driving record and remain on the record for life!!!!

Just for clarification... that is the MTO record and the record that police have access to.

Your driver abstract and your insurance abstract will only list tickets like this for a period of three years.

* The above is NOT legal advice. By acting on anything I have said, you assume responsibility for any outcome and consequences. * OR
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Re: Speeding Ticket!

Unread post by imaher »

Thanks, that was helpful.

one more question, I'm not sure if this is possible to fight this ticket, and then before the court date.. i plead guilty and pay the ticket without going to court ?.. the reason im doing this is because im in the middle of switching my insurance company , am afraid this will effect my new insurance police with my new company, cause i called them and they said the price will be different if i didn't fight the ticket.. even though i dont have any points!

but thanks anyways!

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