
Illegal Plates Due To Mto Typo. Please Help

Author: Armadillo

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Illegal Plates Due To Mto Typo. Please Help

Unread post by Armadillo »

First off. Hello forum, I hope this is posted in the right place.

Here is my situation, my wife was pulled over in our van(in her name) because an opp officer ran the plates and they were registered to our old vehicle.(Plates and old car in my name..) It turns out when we had the plates changed over to the new van someone(dealer or mto) miss typed one letter on the plates so basically my wife was driving a van with plates registered to a car. The plate permit on the ownership has the typo on it. The mto is 'investigating' the van so we can't just get new plates on it and they refuse to fax the officer stating that they are investigating the situation. The officer has said that if she does not here from the mto by 5pm that my wife will be charged with driving with illegal plates and fined 5000$. This is our only mode of transport. how can we avoid the charge while waiting on the mto to fix their mistake?

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Simon Borys
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Re: Illegal Plates Due To Mto Typo. Please Help

Unread post by Simon Borys »

Armadillo wrote:The officer has said that if she does not here from the mto by 5pm that my wife will be charged with driving with illegal plates and fined 5000$.

There's no basis for saying this. A charge for unauthorized plates does carry no set fine, but the reality is that, even if you were convicted, and it sounds like you may have a defence if you do get charged, the average fine for 1st offence of unauthorized plates, in my experience, is around $200.

All I can suggest with respect to resolving your situation is to do your best to get to the bottom of it and present the officer with the necessary confirmation. If you do end up getting charged you will have your opportunity to deal with the prosecutor instead of the officer. If it is an error, they will most likely withdraw.

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Re: Illegal Plates Due To Mto Typo. Please Help

Unread post by Armadillo »

I appreciate the response.

This is a very frustrating situation. Seeing as it is a very obvious clerical error if she is charged I am sure it will be dropped but the lost time and stress is not cool.

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Re: Illegal Plates Due To Mto Typo. Please Help

Unread post by The Stig »

Max fine for an Unauthorized Plate conviction if $1000. Likely less than that unless a history. Is there a no insurance charge possibly out there too?

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