
Red Light Fail To Stop 144(18) On Amber Left Turn Arrow

Author: jatt03

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Red Light Fail To Stop 144(18) On Amber Left Turn Arrow

Unread post by jatt03 »

I got a red light fail to stop ticket while making a left with an amber left turn signal. I was going north bound and the officers were stopped at the lights going southbound and I had the left turn arrow by the time i got to the intersection it was in near the ending part of amber however it was still amber when i entered the intersection. The officers stopped me and said that I went through a red but they weren't even facing my side to even see the signal colour, i got through the intersection cleanly. I realize now that amber doesn't mean you can enter an intersection but with left turn signals you see people turning well into yellow and sometimes even after the arrow has disappeared. The officer also ended up writing my last name wrong on the ticket. I am not positive but i believe my side has a green light while the arrow is on and therefore even if i went through an amber turn signal the lights were still technically green. I don't know much about the traffic act and I maybe mistaken about everything but thats why i am posting for your expert opinions. Thank you

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Re: Red Light Fail To Stop 144(18) On Amber Left Turn Arrow

Unread post by jatt03 »

I went back and video taped it the lights are green when the arrow turns on and remain green even after the left turn arrow disappears, so i don't see any way of me receiving a failed to stop at red ticket.

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Re: Red Light Fail To Stop 144(18) On Amber Left Turn Arrow

Unread post by Radar Identified »

Keep the video tape evidence. For now, just pick option 3 and file a notice of intent to appear (go to the courthouse). When you get a court date, file for disclosure of the officer's notes. From there, you'll be able to put a case together. If you can truthfully testify that you were facing an amber arrow accompanied by a green light, then you should be found not guilty. Just make sure you indicate that you have video evidence that you would like to introduce during the trial. Keep us posted and good luck.

* The above is NOT legal advice. By acting on anything I have said, you assume responsibility for any outcome and consequences. * OR
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Re: Red Light Fail To Stop 144(18) On Amber Left Turn Arrow

Unread post by jatt03 »

thank you very much.

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Re: Red Light Fail To Stop 144(18) On Amber Left Turn Arrow

Unread post by hwybear »

jatt03 wrote:I went back and video taped it the lights are green when the arrow turns on and remain green even after the left turn arrow disappears, so i don't see any way of me receiving a failed to stop at red ticket.

Might want to double check that...what you describe happens when no approaching(oncoming) is also turning left.


Above is merely a suggestion/thought and in no way constitutes legal advice or views of my employer.
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