
Disobey Sign 182(2), Austin Terrace And Walmer

Author: twothdkdr

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Disobey Sign 182(2), Austin Terrace And Walmer

Unread post by twothdkdr »

There is a 'no left turn trap' at this intersection. The posted sign is only 20m from a blind corner and says " no left turn 9am-7am". This gives 2 seconds ( 20m at 40km/hr) to read the sign and interpret it which is impossible as you've already turned left by that time. there is also no stopping alowed. I was more concerned about checking the road for kids etc and did not even see the sign. The police were just sitting there waiting.

Is there a statute that states the time/distance needed for a sign to be visible before the action can be taken?

Help!! Trial in future is imminent.


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Re: Disobey Sign 182(2), Austin Terrace And Walmer

Unread post by Radar Identified »

O. Reg 615/1990 governs street signs:

45. A sign prescribed by this Regulation, other than a sign prescribed by section 13, 14, 15, 24, 25, 26 or 27, shall be so placed as to be visible at all times for a distance of at least 60 metres to the traffic approaching the sign. O. Reg. 175/08, s. 15.

47. Where the characteristics of a highway make it impracticable to place a sign or pavement markings as specified in this Regulation, the sign or pavement markings shall be placed so as to comply as nearly as practicable with those requirements.

"No turn" signs are governed under section 21 of the regulation. They must be visible for at least 60 metres or, unless something about the road makes it impossible. The road where you got ticketed makes a pretty sharp turn around Casa Loma, so the sign may be compliant with the regulations. You'd have to argue that there was a better place to put the sign, and show some evidence of it.

The Prosecutor may offer you a deal of a municipal by-law infraction for this offence.

* The above is NOT legal advice. By acting on anything I have said, you assume responsibility for any outcome and consequences. * OR
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Re: Disobey Sign 182(2), Austin Terrace And Walmer

Unread post by twothdkdr »

Thanks a lot for the info. Are the quotes from the traffic act? I was also looking at the Ontario Traffic Manual book 1B which specifies reading times 7.1 and Perception-reaction Time 7.2 and Comprehension Testing 14.1. Do these things apply as well?


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Re: Disobey Sign 182(2), Austin Terrace And Walmer

Unread post by hwybear »

twothdkdr wrote:Are the quotes from the traffic act?
yes, HTA Ontario Regulation 615
I was also looking at the Ontario Traffic Manual book 1B which specifies reading times 7.1 and Perception-reaction Time 7.2 and Comprehension Testing 14.1. Do these things apply as well?


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Re: Disobey Sign 182(2), Austin Terrace And Walmer

Unread post by krys »

Hi I also got a ticket here at 3pm in the afternoon, and my court date is tomorrow am. I had no warning, as I was coming up that blind corner with traffc behind me, I read the sign at the intersection no left turn thinking i was ok at 3pm made the turn, and there was the cop waiting down the street,

See what happens tomorrow and will let you know unless you have already had your court date


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Re: Disobey Sign 182(2), Austin Terrace And Walmer

Unread post by viper1 »

seems like a joke post? ( 9A.M. to 7A.M.)

Either funny or dumb.



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