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Front License Plate Position In Ontario
Ive already done searches, read the act as best i can but still haven't read a complete answer. Where in the HTA does it state that the front license plate must be attached to the front bumper? I have it on the passenger sun visor (if ppl remember the old temp permits that taped to the pass side of windshield) i figured that this spot would be the same. However now they have got rid of those temp permits. So this morning a cop stops me and issues me a vehicle equipment warning tell me to move my plate to the front of the car(bumper). thanks in advance
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The OHTA states that it must be attached in a conspicuous place...the wording goes like this.....Every number plate shall be kept free from dirt and obstruction and shall be affixed so that the entire number plate, including the numbers, is plainly visible at all times.....
Unless there is something else that specifies 'front bumper', I think it all boils down to the interpretation of Reg. 628, s. 9 (3):
9. (3) The number plates for a motor vehicle, other than a motorcycle or a motor assisted bicycle, shall be attached to and exposed in a conspicuous position on the front and rear of the motor vehicle. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 628, s. 9 (3).
To me, a windshield does not qualify as the front of a vehicle. The front would be the bumper cover and the grille. The wording of HTA s. 62 (14.1) seems to support that definition, by prohibiting lamps that cast a red and blue light to the front, instead of at the front.
It can also be argued that glare or dirt on the windshield constitutes an obstruction and/or can interfere with the operation of electronic camera equipment.
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Agree with ya squishy...
ON the front and back of the vehicle, not 1/3 way back from the front laying on a dash, visor etc..
If I recall correctly the temp/10 day permit was required by law to be clearly affixed to the windshield of the motor vehicle!
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So tie wrapping it to the grill would still suffice......behind the windshield is a no..
As long as the plate on the front of vehicle is visible and more importantly would work if an officer tried to use a lidar on you. This is why it should be on the front. Behind the wind shield would be harder to aim the cross hairs.
A black vehicle with no front plate you'll really anger him
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Which Section Of Traffic Act?
Hi guys
Can someone clarify for me, are the rules governing licence plate positioning found in Section 7(1)(5)(i) of the Highway Traffic Act? It doesnt appear to be, based on what I see on this website.
If anyone could clarify, it'd be much appreciated.
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Re: Which Section Of Traffic Act?
brother_bruce wrote:Hi guys
Can someone clarify for me, are the rules governing licence plate positioning found in Section 7(1)(5)(i) of the Highway Traffic Act? It doesnt appear to be, based on what I see on this website.
If anyone could clarify, it'd be much appreciated.
Make sure it can be seen and not hidden by the grill, windshield glare etc. If it's up front, read bumper or outside the grill you are fine.
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true, but exactly which section of the Traffic Act talks about these requirements?
I'm asking because I suspect the cop who wrote me the ticket jotted down the wrong part of the code as reference... so I'm seeing if I can win the case based on technicalities.
I assume you mean 7 (1) (b) (i), which reads:
No person shall drive a motor vehicle on a highway unless,
(b) there are displayed on the vehicle, in the prescribed manner,
(i) number plates issued in accordance with the regulations showing the number of the permit issued for the vehicle, or
The regulations referred to would include REG. 628 quoted above, which describes where to place the plates.
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thanks squishy!
Re: Front License Plate Position In Ontario
A little bit off topic but are you allowed to have it attached to your roof like on a roof rack? Its totally visible if not more visible than on your bumper. Here is a pic of someone with the setup I am referring to.
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Re: Front License Plate Position In Ontario
that is pretty visable to me! but who knows what a policeman will consider legit. i can see the whole window thing not being visable at ALL times (reflections) , In the Revised Regulations of Ontario under the Highway Traffic Act, R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 628, s. 9 (3) states:
"The number plates for a motor vehicle, other than a motorcycle or a motor assisted bicycle, shall be attached to and exposed in a conspicuous position on the front and rear of the motor vehicle."
im not sure if this is correct but the papers that your plates come with... show you the area that your susposed to put your plates. mabe even the paper that your val-tag is stickied too. .. and furthermore thinking that would be what they mean when they say>> "there are displayed on the vehicle, in the prescribed manner, (i) number plates issued in accordance with the regulations showing the number of the permit issued for the vehicle"
but yeah i always attach my front most bottom on the driver side so its even more visible if your passing by
Re: Front License Plate Position In Ontario
This has been discussed before and the interpretation was that the plates must be displayed on the front of the vehicle, not simply be visible to the front. The HTA uses "to the front" to describe things like prohibited lights that cannot be visible from the front of the vehicle, no matter where they are mounted. The wording being "on the front" implies that the plate must be attached to the most forward point of the vehicle, namely the front bumper cover or the grille area.
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