
Testing Radar Unit

Author: Curtisloew

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Testing Radar Unit

Unread post by Curtisloew »

With regards to the Genesis II Select Directional Unit; If an Officer was to follow all the manufacturers testing requirements, approximately how long would it take to properly test the unit?

Also, with regards to this same unit. Is this unit capable of targeting two vehicles at the same time, with accuracy? i.e. if the vehicles are side by side, one pulling away from the other


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Simon Borys
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Re: Testing Radar Unit

Unread post by Simon Borys »

I'd say less than one minute. There's not much to do on a Genesis radar - it's all internal testing, which takes maybe 20 seconds. Then I think all you have to do is an area scan for interference. I don't think there's anything else the manufacturer recommends, but I stand to be corrected.

With 2 vehicles side by side, assuming they are the same size, I believe it measures the faster one.

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Re: Testing Radar Unit

Unread post by Stanton »

That particular radar also has a "faster" mode, where it displays the strongest signal as well as a weaker but faster signal. So for instance if a large transport truck (the strongest signal) is going 100 and a small car is overtaking it at 120 on the highway, the radar will display both speeds. Even many handheld radars have a "fast" mode where they show you the fastest signal instead of the strongest.

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Re: Testing Radar Unit

Unread post by Curtisloew »

Thank you for the valuable responses...........however I have the manual for the Genesis II and the manufactuerers tests suggest that the testing would be more then a matter of minutes. There seems to be a number of tests, that would require at least 10 - 20 minutes of testing? Please correct me if I am wrong.

Again, thanks for the input!

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Re: Testing Radar Unit

Unread post by Decatur »

Simon is correct. The internal tests take about 20 seconds and the only other test to do is to make sure the patrol speed indicated on the radar co-relates to the patrol vehicles speed. If the antenna on the radar is straight, then the speeds will co-relate easily. Just a thought. By any chance doe s the manual you have say "This manual not intended for use in Canada" at the bottom? The US manual uses tuning fork tests (not done here) and should never be used in reference to any radar used in Canada.

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Re: Testing Radar Unit

Unread post by Stanton »

Even with tuning forks, I can't think of any radar that would take 10-20 minutes to test. :?

I have no experience with the Genesis II, but I'm guessing all you'd have to do is a self test. That's where the instrument runs through a display test, circuitry test and speed simulation test. You'd also probably do a road test at start and end of shift where you verify the radar display for the cruiser speed matches that of the speedometer.

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