
Disobey Sign 182 (2)

Author: Scorpio88

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Disobey Sign 182 (2)

Unread post by Scorpio88 »

I got a ticket for supposedly disobeying a no right turn on red sign. The sign is posted at the south side of a huge intersection at Hwy 427 off ramp and the Queensway.

I went to court today and got disclosure from the officer. Two points to note: His documentation states that the vehicle making the turn was green. (Mine is black). He drew the vehicle making the turn from the curb lane. (I was never in the curb lane.) Are these two points sufficient to get the charge dropped/revoked?

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Radar Identified
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Re: Disobey Sign 182 (2)

Unread post by Radar Identified »

Scorpio88 wrote:Are these two points sufficient to get the charge dropped/revoked?

Unfortunately, no, unless he lost sight of the vehicle that made the turn. In that case, you'd have to go to trial... even then it would be tough. There's a very small chance that the officer could have shaky testimony but don't bet on it.

For an offence like this, you might be able to get it reduced to something like Fail to Proceed as Directed, or maybe even a by-law offence if the Prosecutor is willing...

How long ago did the offence happen?

* The above is NOT legal advice. By acting on anything I have said, you assume responsibility for any outcome and consequences. * OR
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