
Not Enough Time For Disclosure?

Author: Lucky75

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Not Enough Time For Disclosure?

Unread post by Lucky75 »

Hi all,

I'm trying to request disclosure for a "Running a red light" ticket that I received. I have a few questions:

1) The officer alluded to him having video of me running the light. Can I request disclosure for this?

2) I just received notice of my trial today, but it's scheduled for the end of February. That's not a lot of notice for them to give me. Can I still get disclosure in that time frame? What should I do about it?


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Re: Not Enough Time For Disclosure?

Unread post by bend »

Lucky75 wrote:

1) The officer alluded to him having video of me running the light. Can I request disclosure for this?

Sure you can. It doesn't mean it exists though.

Lucky75 wrote:

2) I just received notice of my trial today, but it's scheduled for the end of February. That's not a lot of notice for them to give me. Can I still get disclosure in that time frame? What should I do about it?

You want to file for disclosure literally now. Whether or not you receive it before your trial, who knows. It doesn't matter though. You filed as soon as possible and the rest is out of your hands. Wait any longer and they'll excuse you of delaying the process. If you end up receiving disclosure before your trial date and it doesn't give you enough time to prepare, again you did everything you could do. The courts didn't give you enough time to get disclosure and prepare. Any delay will be off your shoulders and it puts some pressure on the other side.

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