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Disobey Stop Sign-fail To Stop
Disobey Stop Sign-Fail to Stop
Needed some advise. My wife got a ticket for "Disobey Stop Sign-Fail to Stop". under The HTA Sec 136(1) (a) in Brampton today. She says she came to a complete stop at the Stop sign but cop said she did not stop long enough. Green ticket she got has a set fine of $85 and total payable is $110. I think it carries 2 or 3 demerit points. We wish to avoid these points. On the back of the ticket, We have three options. Option 1: Plea of Guilty . Option 2: Early Resolution-Meet with prosecutor and Option 3- Trial Option.
We do not want to plead guilty. Hence we were debating between Option 2 or Option 3 but cannot decide which one to pick. Bottom line we want to avoid the demerit points. When the cop was walking away he told her to Pick Option 2 and plead guilty to a by-law offence since the prosecutor would then reduce the fine and drop the points. Any suggestions?
Re: Disobey Stop Sign-fail To Stop
It's your choice. You can choose option 2 an if not happy with the discussion go to trial. If you look at other posts about the same topic you will find that most people charged with the offence. Many people swear they stopped but when shown the video if there is one it shows something different.
Re: Disobey Stop Sign-fail To Stop
I don't know why you're so concerned about demerit points. They are simply a means for the MTO to track poor drivers. Insurance companies are more concerned with convictions and not the points themselves. Any conviction for a bylaw offence would be better than an HTA conviction. Even if the fine was slightly higher.
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