
Fail To Obey Lane Sign

Author: corpfan1

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Fail To Obey Lane Sign

Unread post by corpfan1 »

Just received a ticket today for failing to obey a lane sign... $85++ = $110 and 2 points.

Thinking of taking it to trial (option 3) and wondering if that is the best road.

Incident occurred at Martin Grove / Eglinton going Eastbound on Eglinton after just coming off the highway. ... CAgQ_AUoAg

Basically have never been in the far right lane, usually in the middle, but there was quite a bit of traffic, so I was stuck having to stay in the right lane.

Then got to the point of the lane where it said "right lane must exit / buses excepted"... Still showing dashed lines to my left.

Put on my clicker and tried to change lanes to the lane on my left and someone was in my blind spot. I sped up a bit, he sped up, I slowed down, he slowed down, etc.... At this point, I was about 15 metres from the intersection and the line changed to solid.

Instead of turning right, I proceeded through the intersection as I saw the bus up ahead standing at it's stop and basically ended up behind the bus which had it's double flashers on. I waited until there was no traffic coming up behind me, changed lanes and in front of the bus an unmarked cop car with an officer standing in front of his car motioned for me to pull over.

After doing the whole insurance, license, ownership thing, he said that I was in the right turn lane and only buses were allowed to go straight and that I failed to obey the signage. I said that I tried to get over the whole time but the guy in my blind spot wouldn't relent no matter if I sped up or slowed down and I thought the safest thing to do was to pull up behind the bus across the intersection. He said - doesn't matter - I should have turned right and that I have no other choice.

Worth fighting / choosing option 3?

This is my only traffic violation in 20+ years of driving.

Thanks in advance for any advice.

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Re: Fail To Obey Lane Sign

Unread post by bend »

The officer is correct. This kind of action causes motorists to impede traffic in the right turn lane. Either you switch lanes while you can, or you keep going.

Your reasoning, while sympathetic, is not a defense. There's no sympathy points on trial day. It's quite possible you can get a reduced sentence in return for a guilty plea, but I certainly wouldn't go all the way to trial with that reasoning.

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Re: Fail To Obey Lane Sign

Unread post by corpfan1 »

So should I pretty much choose option 2 first? Or should I go all the way through the trial process hoping for non disclosure or 11b issues?

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Re: Fail To Obey Lane Sign

Unread post by bend »

You can request a trial. You'll still be offered a deal either way on your trial date. Requesting a trial leaves all your doors open.

If you'd like to move on with your life, option 2 is the choice. Some people may find waiting for a trial stressful. Your case may not be settled on your trial date, so there's the possibility of having to return once again.

If you think you can dedicate some time to the cause, request a trial.

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Re: Fail To Obey Lane Sign

Unread post by corpfan1 »

The thing is I work from home online so I because I make my own hours, I am available almost any time to do whatever. So, I don't have to take time off to deal with this it is not stressful.

And, the office where I go to request a trial is like a 5 minute drive away.

I guess the main question I have, is am I just wasting my time here in general? What are the odds I get a lesser offence? Is there a lesser than fail to obey sign? Is there a municipal by-law I can negotiate here?

Are there any negatives at all that could come of going to trial?

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Re: Fail To Obey Lane Sign

Unread post by corpfan1 »

Bumping for any more info.

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