
Fail To Obey Lane Sign - Right Turn Ticket By Opp

Author: Gtadrives

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Fail To Obey Lane Sign - Right Turn Ticket By Opp

Unread post by Gtadrives »

Hey Ontario!! Hoping I can get some advice here... I got “Fail to Obey Lane Sign” ticket (my first driving ticket ever) in Mississauga - Peel region. The ticket has $110 fine and 2 demerit points. Currently I’ve ask for early resolution meeting. What is the best way to get this ticket dropped? I don’t want it going on my driving record and affecting my insurance rate. Any advice tips/suggestion would help!!

If I go to early resolution and reject their offer. How can I ensure I win the trial if the OPP cop shows up to trail for (110$) ticket.

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Unread post by bend »

Your post is like many others.

"I got a ticket. I can't have this ticket follow me. How do I get rid of it?"

At the end of the day, there is no secret hand shake. In most cases, you either have a defense or you don't. Don't expect the officer to not show up and don't expect your charge to simply fall through the cracks.

You have scheduled an early resolution meeting. For this charge, I don't expect them to have any wiggle room. Even if they did, any reduction would still impact your insurance the same exact way.

OK, let's say you're not happy.

They will end the meeting and get you a trial date. You will eventually receive a Notice of Trial, which will include all your trial date information. From there, you can make a disclosure request. This will contain the officers notes regarding your charge.

Mississauga makes this process easy for you . You can fill out an online form here and have your disclosure request emailed to you.

Until then, there isn't much you can do. You're still in the very early stages.

Good luck.

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