
Speeding Ticket - First Ever

Author: chuckiec

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Speeding Ticket - First Ever

Unread post by chuckiec »

Been driving for 22 years - pristine driving record until last week. Got a ticket for 135KM on the 401 - REALLY?!?!? There is no way I was going that fast - I was in a rental, with literally 4 cars around me, which were ALL doing the same speed as me. Can I dispute this charge? If I were to dispute this charge, are chances of a reduced fine likely? I couldn't believe the number of cops pulling people over on the 401 this weekend!!

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Re: Speeding Ticket - First Ever

Unread post by bend »

chuckiec wrote:I was in a rental, with literally 4 cars around me, which were ALL doing the same speed as me. Can I dispute this charge?

Whether or not other cars were traveling at the same speed as you isn't going to help your case.

chuckiec wrote:If I were to dispute this charge, are chances of a reduced fine likely?

You can get a reduced charged just by asking as long as you're willing to plead guilty to the new charge. It's almost guaranteed they'll offer you something like 29km (3 points).

chuckiec wrote:I couldn't believe the number of cops pulling people over on the 401 this weekend!!

It's a long weekend. What's there not to believe?

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