Careless Driving Ticket At Reporting Center
Hello, I was involved in a bumper incident. I reported to the 911 call center right away and was told to go to the Collision Reporting Center. I went there and reported it and the police officer took my incident number and wrote up his report. He then came back said he had to give me a ticket of some sort because it was a rear end incident. He came back and pull me to the back room and gave me a careless driving ticket and aid he need to make it a big claim and told me that I should not be charged with a careless driving in his view but he had to do it. He told me to go to court and what the procedures will be and hinted that it will be lowered for sure. He was not at the scene of the accident or there was any witness other than the other party. The other party is not complaining, they just need to replace the bumper and I already agreed that the Insurance will take care of it. I am not sure how to go about this or if anyone else has experienced this. The police basically told me that will not be the charge and it will be lowered for sure at the courts. I am not sure if I should accept what's at the court or if there is anything I can do to remove the ticket. I also noted the date on the ticket is wrong its one dated one day after the incident.
Your advice and experience please.
Thank you