
Parking On School Fire Route

Author: mike30002

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Parking On School Fire Route

Unread post by mike30002 »

I got a ticket for parking on fire route inside the school compound. But the buses parks there too and of course most parents do.

Here is what the by-law says:

10. (1) No person shall stop or park a vehicle on a designated fire route where stopping

or parking is prohibited by an authorized sign.

I requested for the disclosure, and the officer noted that there is no sign of loading and unloading. But there is a clear sign on the ground saying "Drop Off".

There seems to be some disconnect between the bylaw and the school and also the disclosure.

Please advice if I should fight for it.

Thanks in advance.


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Re: Parking On School Fire Route

Unread post by Stanton »

Just to confirm, it was a no parking and not a no stopping zone? You're allowed to temporarily stop and drop off passengers in a no parking zone.

"park or parking" means the standing of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, except when standing temporarily for the purpose of and while actually engaged in the loading or unloading of merchandise or passengers

What were you actually doing at the time? If you were just momentarily stopped to drop off your children, you have a strong defence. If you were away from your vehicle inside the school for some time, you don't.

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Re: Parking On School Fire Route

Unread post by mike30002 »

I did stop and got off the car to pick up my kid.

The road has two lanes, one lane is with the yellow strips for buses to stop and park to pick/drop kids and the other lane is pass through lane. I parked at the yellow strips lane.

So, the fire route to me is the pass through lane, not the yellow strip lane.

Can I argue that I didn't stop at the fire route hence this offence does not apply?

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