
Parking In Fire Route (at Church!)

Author: Blackdragon12

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Parking In Fire Route (at Church!)

Unread post by Blackdragon12 »

So I got this ticket back in march, and I have a scheduled appointment this week to discuss the fine. I have been going to this church for over 10 years, and never once had an issue. This was the first time I parked in this spot since the whole parking lot was full and had absolutely no idea it was a fire route (there were other cars parked in front and behind me as well, and I was late..)

EIther way, the fine is $100, so I would like to get it reduced or dropped.. any tips?

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Re: Parking In Fire Route (at Church!)

Unread post by bend »

Blackdragon12 wrote:So I got this ticket back in march, and I have a scheduled appointment this week to discuss the fine. I have been going to this church for over 10 years, and never once had an issue. This was the first time I parked in this spot since the whole parking lot was full and had absolutely no idea it was a fire route (there were other cars parked in front and behind me as well, and I was late..)

These are just excuses and nothing remotely resembling a defense.

Blackdragon12 wrote:EIther way, the fine is $100, so I would like to get it reduced or dropped.. any tips?

You may be offered a plea deal in exchange for a guilty plea for showing up to what i'm assuming is an early resolution meeting. You can either accept it or continue on to a trial.

Your charge is not going to be dropped out of sympathy, if that's what you're hinting at.

Also, trials require a defense (eg. there was no sign), or you'd just be delaying the inevitable.

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Re: Parking In Fire Route (at Church!)

Unread post by tremor »

Pretty much what was stated. Unless you have proof that no signs and/or road markings are there, you're going to be paying up. I've never seen a sympathetic fine reduction for this type of offense.

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