
Parked On The Disabled Space

Author: CC93

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Parked On The Disabled Space

Unread post by CC93 »

My friend went to downtown and decided to park on the street. He purchased the parking ticket and placed it on the dashboard. When he got back, he received a $450 parking ticket saying that he parked at the disable space without showing a permit. He spent 5 minutes looking around and finally discovered a tiny disable sign on the pole that was turned to the other way. He does not want to pay the $450 at all because he actually did not see the sign. At the same time, he doesn't want to go to court either. Is there any other way to let the court drop the case without going to the court?

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Re: Parked On The Disabled Space

Unread post by bend »

CC93 wrote:He does not want to pay the $450 at all because he actually did not see the sign. At the same time, he doesn't want to go to court either. Is there any other way to let the court drop the case without going to the court?


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Re: Parked On The Disabled Space

Unread post by hawaii »

CC93 wrote:My friend went to downtown and decided to park on the street. He purchased the parking ticket and placed it on the dashboard. When he got back, he received a $450 parking ticket saying that he parked at the disable space without showing a permit. He spent 5 minutes looking around and finally discovered a tiny disable sign on the pole that was turned to the other way. He does not want to pay the $450 at all because he actually did not see the sign. At the same time, he doesn't want to go to court either. Is there any other way to let the court drop the case without going to the court?

Exactly the same happened to me in the Beaches area 2 years ago. Pleaded not guilty, got trial date. Listened to others bull-*EDIT* through their teeth before me in front of prosecutor and judge,each got the book thrown at them for their troubles. My story..... Said I made a huge mistake and did not see the sign, (unlike Mississauga, Toronto does not need to paint spaces blue), I was truly in a hurry and missed it. Result.... A thank-you for my honesty and fine reduced to $75.00. Tell your buddy he's paying something, rightly so, the amount will strictly mirror what he has to say. Keep it simple. :wink:

Other than pure magic, I cant see this fine evaporating. :o :shock:

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