
With Open Container Passenger Got The Ticket But I Did Not

Author: am4u2ster

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With Open Container Passenger Got The Ticket But I Did Not

Unread post by am4u2ster »


We were heading towards the wasaga beach over the long weekend, however my friends is on passenger side having a liquor with open container, having a drink without my understanding, that i did not know, we were almost there, and police officer was just waiting for us on road and told me to pull a car, and i did it so, and officer found that my friend is consuming a alcohol with open container, and asked him for his ID, and asked for my driver license and insurance and ownership paper and i hand it over to him, and told me to come out from my car, for a breath on their machine, as i did not consumed anything and it was zero alcohol in my body, and told me be seated in your car, i will come and see you. and i did it so, and told me you will not a get ticket, the officer was so kind to me, such a big relieve, but my friend is on passenger side got the ticket, worth of $125 with sec 31(2). but on his ticket he mentioned my car number plate does it affect my driving history or insurance.

Please help :mrgreen:

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Re: With Open Container Passenger Got The Ticket But I Did N

Unread post by Stanton »

am4u2ster wrote:on his ticket he mentioned my car number plate does it affect my driving history or insurance.


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