
Speeding Over A Hill At A Swearing Officer

Author: lazywalker

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Speeding Over A Hill At A Swearing Officer

Unread post by lazywalker »

I have many questions, about my ticket for going over 50. But here are my limited, quite a few. Its all on tape.

Can an officer visually determine your speed in under 2 seconds of officer coming over steep crest in road, in opposite directions. Said they saw me first, then checked radar, then hit lights. On video this all happens in 2 seconds.

Is visual speed determination effected if officer is accelerating up steep hill from 25 to 54kh in the 10 secs. before seeing me?

Is YRP officer required to advise of video/audio taping? I was not.

Officer says I spoke first before they could, but in video officer talks first.

Officer says I left before anything could be explained to me, but officer does advise me of my three options. Then officer says goodbye, turns away , as I say "have a nice day", officer faces me again, then turns away, saying goodbye a second time. Then I leave.

In video you can hear officer say "a**hole" quietly as they walk away.

The officer twice told me early resolution was my best option, but when I went, the crown looked at screen and said no, this needs to go to trial.

At trial I identified myself to crown who simply told me to have a seat. 2 hours later they asked for an adjournment as officer was sick, and it was granted. Is this all odd as it seems?

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Re: Speeding Over A Hill At A Swearing Officer

Unread post by ynotp »

Some questions you should will help us understand your situation a bit better.

How fast were you going? 50 over the limit? Or was the limit 50 and you were exceedit it by some amount?

Was it is the total fine?

When were you charged, when was your early resolution meeting and when was the trial adjourned and to what date? Did you agree to the adjournment?

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Re: Speeding Over A Hill At A Swearing Officer

Unread post by lazywalker »

How fast were you going? 50 over the limit? Or was the limit 50 and you were exceedit it by some amount?

Was clocked at 82, ticketed for 74. I have never gone that fast from turning at the nearby intersection. In video before lights activated, a car had just passed police ,oppisite direction , and another vehicle in same direction as police, ahead of police, with me hidden in a dip in the middle.

Was it is the total fine?

I know it was 2 demerit points. not sure of monetary value, ticket is at my office.

When were you charged, when was your early resolution meeting and when was the trial adjourned and to what date? Did you agree to the adjournment?

Charged end of july 2014, early res was in oct2014, court was march 2015, put over to mid june 2015.

It was noted by judge that I did not want adjournment.

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Re: Speeding Over A Hill At A Swearing Officer

Unread post by iFly55 »

What was the speed limit? It's very important you check the fine on the ticket, if it's incorrect then you could have the ticket quashed.

It appears you've received some disclosure? Was there evidence of when the officer tested his radar unit? Did you request disclosure? What did you request for? What did you receive?

There are no speeding charges in Ontario that carry two demerit points.

Demerit Points:

0km/h to 14km/h = 0 pts

15km/h to 30km/h = 3 pts

30km/h to 50km/h = 4pts

+50km/h = 6pts

lazywalker wrote:Can an officer visually determine your speed in under 2 seconds of officer coming over steep crest in road, in opposite directions. Said they saw me first, then checked radar, then hit lights. On video this all happens in 2 seconds.

Is visual speed determination effected if officer is accelerating up steep hill from 25 to 54kh in the 10 secs. before seeing me?

What's seen in the video is not necessarily what the officer may have also seen. Officers that are trained in speed enforcement, can visually recognize whether a vehicle is travelling over the speed limit very quickly. Most can eyeball the accuracy to within a few kph of the radar/laser reading.

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Re: Speeding Over A Hill At A Swearing Officer

Unread post by lazywalker »

It was a 50 zone I was in.

the ticket is computer generated so I doubt there are any errors.

I just asked for disclosure. I got computer generated officer notes. including time unit was tested, driving record, speed etc. A very small (1"x 2") photocopy of unreadable instructions for ( I think) testing radar.

I went in to ask for radar instructions and was told I can only read them in prosecutors office, no copies allowed.

As officer had just accelerated up steep hill. Officer had only 2 seconds to begin to see me over hill ,150 metres ahead, and figure I was speeding and hit lights. An extremely fast reaction time I think.

I believe officer could have only reacted to tone of radar, and as I was closest vehicle , it was assumed to be me. This is of course on top of the other inaccurate statements made by officer, like.... first to speek, I left before officer was finished, etc.

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