Radar Identified wrote:Meanwhile, showing that the street racing law is a huge deterrentthe Toronto Police caught the driver of a Mercedes-Benz going 231 km/h on the Don Valley Parkway yesterday morning.
http://toronto.ctv.ca/servlet/an/local/ ... ntoNewHome
The drop in fatalities was continent-wide. Almost everyone I know modified their driving habits because of the gas prices. Professor Grabowski, who was in Kenzie's article, was once quoted as saying: "I would say the majority of fatality decline in the past few years has to be gas prices." (Source: "Drop in driving deaths linked to gas prices," by J. Wingrove, Globe and Mail, Dec. 15, 2008)
I got a better question. How fast did the cop have to drive to catch this guy. Maybee we should charge the cop with reckless driving and street racing and endangering the public. To match a speed of and catch a guy going 230 km/h in a V12 Benzo with 640 hp this guy must have been tailgating, passing on the right, cutting many people off, and also probably driving to fast for his tires. I assume the stock tires for a crown vic are R rated means there good up to 170 km/h as are most winter tires.
McGuinty and Fantino Fail, i think alot of us in this province have lost faith in our government to do things properly, fairly, rationally, and right.
- Radar Identified
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Reflections wrote:Because the radio is faster then any car on the road......still laughing though
That's probably why.
That said, 231 is still way below the provincial record some guy from Toronto set on the 400... he was caught going 300+.
tdrive2 wrote:How fast did the cop have to drive to catch this guy.
My sources tell me that they radioed ahead to officers near the 404 who got on the road near Sheppard; when he came up, they turned their lights on, he slowed down dramatically, and they pulled him over near Finch. The Crown Vics couldn't have caught him on their own unless he slowed down.
- Reflections
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Radar Identified wrote:Reflections wrote:Because the radio is faster then any car on the road......still laughing though
That said, 231 is still way below the provincial record some guy from Toronto set on the 400... he was caught going 300+.
If you hit 200 on any public hwy in ontario you should be thrown in jail, period. I'm all for higher speed limits but that's just dumb.
- Radar Identified
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Reflections wrote:If you hit 200 on any public hwy in ontario you should be thrown in jail, period.
No argument from me. That's definitely dangerous driving.
- Reflections
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Driving while stupid.
S.999 of the Ontario Highway Traffic Act should read:
Any person, while in care and control of a motor vehicle, and does commit the following:
1. Exceeds the speed of others on the motorway in excess of 70 kilometers per hour;
2. Talks on his/her cellular phone;
3. Applies make-up to their person;
4. Attempts to pass another vehicle, while the second vehicle is waiting patiently in line, and then cut in front of the second vehicle;
5. Does not accelerate to the posted limit while on the on-ramp;
6. Continuously drives in the left most lane of a multiple lane highway, BECAUSE ITS FOR PASSING, and is not passing anyone;
7. Does not slow down while there are emergency vehicles attending to their duties, with their lights flashing, on the shoulder or median;
8. Does not look in their rearview mirror for a time greater then 1 minute to see the guy behind you who wants to get past you;
9. Does not clear the snow and dirt from their windows, roof, hood, headlights, taillights, so that you can see and be seen;
is subject to a bitch slap from every other driver on the road that they have annoyed, cutoff and just down right disrespected in the course of their "driving".
My shrink says I need to vent my anger........
Feel free to add guys.......
Just for giggles...
Reflections, you forgot to add
10. Drives the car without releasing the handbrake (not sure how that would affect everyone else, but it is a prime example of mental incapacity)
11. Makes a right turn from 3-rd rightmost lane OR left turn from 3-rd leftmost lane (scary )
12. Sends SMS while driving
13. Drives at no more than one half the speed of traffic on the road
14. Posts on www.OntarioHighwayTrafficAct.com trying to fight a speeding ticket while driving
"The hardest thing to explain is the obvious"
Ontario Traffic Ticket | Ontario Highway Traffic Act
LOL I would be all for those laws.
Any links to the case where the guy was going over 300, and how they caught him? That one sounds interesting!
Also, maybe hwybear can shed some light on this, but i've heard a lot of different numbers thrown around by a lot of different people, but how fast are those Crown Vics? I know they accelerate slow as *EDIT* (I test drove one once) but what's the top speed? Some say they're limited by gearing to 193, others say electronically limited, and I had a cop tell me once that they are good up to 260 km/h I wonder how long that would take...
How fast have you gone in yours? lol
- Radar Identified
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15. Consumes or attempts to consume a bowl of cereal or cereal products, with or without milk, while operating a motor vehicle (I SAW THAT TWICE LAST WEEK ON THE DVP, GOOD GOD...)
16. Reverses on a 400-Series highway or expressway
17. Does not make a reasonable effort to pull to the right or clear the way for emergency vehicles that are responding to an emergency
18. Stops in the middle of the road when lost
19. Attempts to make a turn, mid-way through the turn cancels the turn and resumes driving down the road for the next 20 miles with the turn signal still on
20. When in a through lane facing a red light and the adjacent left turning lane gets a green arrow, proceeds through the intersection while still facing a red light, as oncoming traffic has a green turning arrow
21. Dives across the bullnose for an exit/entrance
22. Reads while driving
23. Activates the horn when in the right lane and forced to slow down by motorists who are turning right
24. Tailgates in the right lane when the passing lane is clear
24A. Activates the horn while driving in the right lane due to being irritated at a slower-moving vehicle in front when the passing lane is clear and said vehicle could easily be passed
24B. Signaling to the slow-moving driver in paragraph 24(A) with the raised extension of the middle digit of either hand, when the passing lane is still clear
25. Upon entering a highway at a low speed, immediately transitions to the passing lane, and only transitions to the right lane seconds prior to exiting
- hwybear
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tdrive2 wrote:
I got a better question. How fast did the cop have to drive to catch this guy. Maybee we should charge the cop with reckless driving and street racing and endangering the public. To match a speed of and catch a guy going 230 km/h in a V12 Benzo with 640 hp this guy must have been tailgating, passing on the right, cutting many people off, and also probably driving to fast for his tires. I assume the stock tires for a crown vic are R rated means there good up to 170 km/h as are most winter tires.
Police are exempt from the speed limit.
Reckless? sorry, no such charge in Ontario.
Police are exempt under racing section
That makes sense, trained drivers with proper equipment acting in good faith for the public are all of a sudden "endangering" the public by stopping a violator....alrighty then
Not stock tires on cruisers, winter and summer tires are speed rated.....much higher. Higher than the vehicles can travel
The Crown Vics cops drive are modified, not the same engine as a regular Crown Vic you buy from a dealer.
"The hardest thing to explain is the obvious"
Ontario Traffic Ticket | Ontario Highway Traffic Act
The crown vics i think are a 4.6l V8. They are not as fast as the charges but i beleive they are much safer. I think they have the best rating for crashes slaming into the back and have an added roll cage and other extra safety features.
i dont know about the tahoes.....
Last week on the 401 i had seen 2 officers returning from the scene of an accident one in an undercover and the other in a marked vic. Both were going 130 or just a bit over in the passing lane practically tailgating each other without their emergency lights on for all i know they could have been speeding back to their shift.
Amazingly theyre was a guy in an SUV also tailgating them he was behind the undercover i guess he was to blind to see the yellow "police" marking on the one behind him and both of them didnt do anything.
These laws are not enforced consistantly. I just had a freind go skiing up north and took the 400 he said he couldnt beleive it he was going130-140 and people were passing him like nothing and going right through radar traps.
I dont know what you have to do get a ticket on some parts of the 401 but on some parts 20 over and youll get a ticket.....
Someone should make some attention to this low limit.
I wish 3 people would go hog every lane and drive exactly 100-105. Along the 401 from Toronto to London and see how far into the double digits they can make a traffic jam.
If your not supposed to go 100 then what is appropriate.
How come if you get a ticket for going 140 you get charged for going 40 over when your speeding about 20 more then all the rest of the cars on the road.
It seems in alot of the busier sections with 3 lanes the officers as reflection said don't seem to be pulling over the drivers going 130 i guess they worry they'll miss the extreme ones going well over 150 so don't bother going after them.
Lastly why do almost all sections of the 401 have this 100 km/h speed limit. Some sections should be lower and some higher due to traffic, weather conditions, the engineering and quality / design of the road, and the volume it experiences.
tdrive2 wrote:Lastly why do almost all sections of the 401 have this 100 km/h speed limit. Some sections should be lower and some higher due to traffic, weather conditions, the engineering and quality / design of the road, and the volume it experiences.
I know a fantastic reason as to why they do not implement what you are suggesting: IT MAKES SENSE. Haven't you learned anything about our government yet?
"The hardest thing to explain is the obvious"
Ontario Traffic Ticket | Ontario Highway Traffic Act
- hwybear
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tdrive2 wrote:The crown vics i think are a 4.6l V8. They are not as fast as the charges but i beleive they are much safer. I think they have the best rating for crashes slaming into the back and have an added roll cage and other extra safety features.
no added roll cage. The crown vic is the only vehicle that has been tested to a rear impact of 75mph, such as officers stopped on the shoulder and get smoked from behind by a rubber necker.
Last week on the 401 i had seen 2 officers returning from the scene of an accident one in an undercover and the other in a marked vic. Both were going 130 or just a bit over in the passing lane
Last week I passed 4 cruisers at variety of locations. I was doing a medical emergency relay of blood needed for surgery. Hence, once someone saw the other marked cars, they would not know that I was a different unit altogther, then think that police car was an ass for travelling fast, then now here, just parked on a uturn. There are more than one marked unit, more than one unmarked unit in the Province, could also be other units travelling to another call
These laws are not enforced consistantly. I just had a freind go skiing up north and took the 400 he said he couldnt beleive it he was going130-140 and people were passing him like nothing and going right through radar traps.
just b/c one sees a cruiser does not mean that radar is being operated, possible, however, we often are waiting for vehicles called in by the "cellphone" for an oncoming: impaired driver, unsafe vehicle, child out of childseat etc....maybe there has been a robbery, child abduction etc and now setup trying to locate the vehicle etc...
I dont know what you have to do get a ticket on some parts of the 401 but on some parts 20 over and youll get a ticket.....
Someone should make some attention to this low limit.
a vast majority of drivers (99%) have absolutely no training or further education on how to control a vehicle when challenged with situations. Just go to a local parking lot and watch how many people can turn into a spot with a 200 point turn, then watch how many can back up without another 200 point turn.
Once you solve the these drivers only then would I suggest they be a raise in the speed limit, but then go back to the human body, can not withstand impacts over 130km....so govern vehicles at 120km to ensure no one enters the death zone of 130??
How come if you get a ticket for going 140 you get charged for going 40 over when your speeding about 20 more then all the rest of the cars on the road.
signs say MAXIMUM not minimum
It seems in alot of the busier sections with 3 lanes the officers as reflection said don't seem to be pulling over the drivers going 130 i guess they worry they'll miss the extreme ones going well over 150 so don't bother going after them.
already explained it......but officer to vehicle ratio
- west of London about 1000 vehicles per hour with average 10 officers. If an officer stops 1mv per hr that is 0.05% of the traffic.
- in GTR about 300 vehicles per hour with average 20 officers (guessing).
if an officer stops 1 mv per hr that is 0.006% of the traffic
Not that we don't want to stop every vehicle at "X" speed, the resources are not there to do so. That was the benefit of photo radar, everyone got the ticket.
Lastly why do almost all sections of the 401 have this 100 km/h speed limit. Some sections should be lower and some higher due to traffic, weather conditions, the engineering and quality / design of the road, and the volume it experiences.
No advancement in driver training!
- Reflections
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We have covered in previous posts why police travel at higher speeds, read 130 and up, without their lights on. And bear said, not every cop on the road is looking for speeders. Have you noticed that you rarely see an officer during rush hour???
- hwybear
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Reflections wrote: Have you noticed that you rarely see an officer during rush hour???
shhhh...that's a secret....this means the crowds are on the roads...and no line up at Tims
not to mention the start of shift paperwork and end of shift paperwork....
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