
Parking Lot Hit And Run. Need Help

Author: bhbnuckle

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Parking Lot Hit And Run. Need Help

Unread post by bhbnuckle »

I need some help on hit and run accident

I parked my car at young and cummer coffee time parking lot for an hour then I found somebody hit my front left bumper and took off (mother eff er).

Thanks god fully I had my dash cam running through the parking mode so i was able to find license plate number. Reported right to the collision centre + police and filled out the suspicious form and stuff. So what's going to happen next? Police will be calling me and provide me with their numbers or they're just summoning them to the court? IDK what would be the next step.

and another thing

I called insurance company to report hit and run but they're saying I still have to pay deductible for the incident occur and deductible will be reimbursed once they find the hitter. But it won't be reimbursed if they can't find who those that and will remain in my history.

It is less than $300 worth of accident as the bumper doesn't need to be replaced if I fix it out of my pocket.

Please let me know if anybody has similar situation!

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Parking Lot Hit And Run. Need Help

Unread post by Radar Identified »

bnbnuckle wrote:Police will be calling me and provide me with their numbers or they're just summoning them to the court? IDK what would be the next step.

Is the stupid @$$h*** who hit you actually that dumb? That area has surveillance cameras EVERYWHERE, on top of your dashcam... but that's a side note...

The police will likely be in touch; if they haven't called you within about 2 weeks, call them and ask what the status is. They've likely sent an officer to investigate the vehicle; if they find "corresponding damage" or a recent repair job, then that driver is in for an expensive lesson.

Depending on how much you want to stick it to the other driver... if the police have identified him/her, if you leave it on the insurance record, not only do they get "fail to remain," they get an insurance claim against them. Then again, for $300, fixing it yourself may be a better choice. Talk to your insurance adjuster, just to make sure they'd be okay with you dropping the claim if you decide to repair it yourself in a few days.

* The above is NOT legal advice. By acting on anything I have said, you assume responsibility for any outcome and consequences. * OR
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Re: Parking Lot Hit And Run. Need Help

Unread post by bhbnuckle »

I got actual quote for the sanding and paint whole front bumper and its been quoted out almost $800 + Tax. (won't pay this huge amount out of my pocket obviously)

I haven't open a claim yet because i didn't want to take chance to pay deductible and not finding a person responsible. My plan is hold the claim until police get back to me with hitter's information then will pass it over to my insurance company just to be safe.

is there anything wrong with my plan? is it neccesary to open a claim to get my money back even if police never get back to me yet?


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Re: Parking Lot Hit And Run. Need Help

Unread post by Radar Identified »

You do have to notify the insurance company within 7 days of the collision if you intend to start a claim... but since you've already notified them, just talk to your adjuster and let him know what your plan is.

* The above is NOT legal advice. By acting on anything I have said, you assume responsibility for any outcome and consequences. * OR
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