New Set Fines Starting Sept 1st, 2015! Read And Learn Here
Just a quick message to advise everyone that as of midnight tonight, the set fine for offences under section 78 and 78.1 will increase to $400. That will make the total payable $490.
Upon conviction, three demerit points will also be added to your licence.
For any novice drivers with G1 and G2 licences, you wil also be subject to escalating sanctions. Upon conviction for a first offence, your licence will be suspended for a period of 30 days, second conviction 60 days. Your third conviction would result in your licence being cancelled.
There are more changes as a result of Bill 31. Most are increases in set fines and modifications to current sections of the HTA.
- Radar Identified
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Re: New Set Fines Starting Sept 1st, 2015! Read And Learn He
Thanks Decatur.
Also relevant changes (point form):
- Bigger fines for dooring cyclists
- Bigger fines for cyclists not properly equipping their bikes (e.g. lights, reflectors)
- When passing a cyclist, you need to give them at least 1 metre of room (which most normal-functioning people would give, if not more)
Beginning in January, drivers will also have to stop and allow pedestrians in crossovers (which are usually mid-block crossings) and school crossings to completely cross the road before proceeding. Crosswalks at intersections are not affected by this rule change. OR
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