
Parking Ticket Question

Author: sdsdsd

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Parking Ticket Question

Unread post by sdsdsd »


I just got a parking ticket for parking in a fire route. I live in a townhouse complex and parked on the road in front of my home for a few minutes to run in and drop some stuff inside before heading out again and that's when I got the parking ticket. D'oh!

The street name on the ticket is right, but the number is wrong. The townhouse complex contains several rows of a townhouses. Each row has a road in front of it. The units in each row all have the same house number but different letters to represent each unit. The parking ticket says 287 Blank Street but my car was parked at 291 Blank Street. Although it's only a four number difference, 287 and 291 are on different roads in the townhouse complex.

Does anyone think that because of the numbers being wrong on the ticket that I have a chance to dispute it? I wasn't parked on the road with the 287 homes on it. Hope the explanation above isn't too confusing!

High Authority
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Re: Parking Ticket Question

Unread post by jsherk »

No, the number being wrong is not an issue and will not get the ticket dropped.

However, I still recommend you plead Not Guilty and request a trial with the officer present. Once you get your notice of trial, then you can request disclosure (officers notes). Once you get the notes, scan and post them back here so we can take a look at them and advise further.

+++ This is not legal advice, only my opinion +++
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Re: Parking Ticket Question

Unread post by bend »

This is one of those tickets you'd consider filing under the "probably shouldn't waste my time" category.

You're not going to get much of anything from disclosure and it's not exactly an easy ticket to fight in court. I'd probably consider asking for a reduced fine and moving on, but it's not my ticket. You'll probably be offered something that may likely cut your fine in half.

John Bosley
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Re: Parking Ticket Question

Unread post by John Bosley »

I don't think you will get it reduced just more time to pay.

If it is at the downtown courthouse off Edward Street be prepared for a total waste of time.

I just tried to get my ticket reduced and EVERYONE in the court room got the set fine.

The JP and the prosecutor did not let anyone off the hook unless you had extraordinary circumstances that allowed them to dismiss the ticket.

Even a lawyer who came in to fight his ticket expecting a reduced fine left not impressed along with the major offenders ( Delivery companies ).

The JP cited some change on the books back in June 2015 saying they could not reduce fines anymore , they had to remain at SET FINE , but could give longer pay time options.

Thats may be the case , but back in December 2015 I got my last parking ticket reduced from $ 150.00 down to $ 10.00 in The Milner/Markham court house.

However that might have been a xmas gift for us commoners.

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