
Failing To Stop For A School Bus

Author: Rimzah

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Failing To Stop For A School Bus

Unread post by Rimzah »

I wanted to know that while driving to drop my daughter to school I unintentionally passed a school bus that was picking up children on the opposite side as soon as I realized I had crossed it I stopped and got out and went to the bus driver to apologize to him. He warned me and got mad at me. But I am still concerned can this bus driver still report me although I apologized several times. Will I get demerit points and can I get a ticket as well. There was no officer present at that time.

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Re: Failing To Stop For A School Bus

Unread post by jsherk »

The bus driver CAN report your license plate number on the car, and police can come to investigate.

But remember you do NOT have to answer any questions the police ask you about the incident. Learn your rights and do not self-incriminate yourself.

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Re: Failing To Stop For A School Bus

Unread post by argyll »

I would suspect that your contrition by stopping and apologising would prevent the bus driver from making a formal complaint. They are rightly very protective of their wards but hopefully understand that everyone makes mistakes.

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Re: Failing To Stop For A School Bus

Unread post by Rimzah »

I'm sorry I have never had this incident in my life before I've been here for over 15 years and I felt very guilty and that's why I found it necessary to not drive away but to stop and own up to my mistake. I don't know anything about my rights, where can I get that information. I just hope he doesn't report me but he was angry and really scolded me.

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Re: Failing To Stop For A School Bus

Unread post by Rimzah »

Sorry I am just so confused that I keep getting these horrible thoughts. If a ticket is handed to me would they give me the demerits as well along with the tickets and when if at all would the officers come to my house. Like is there a time frame to all this. thank you so much I am just so confused with all this. I apologize for coming back with all these questions.

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Re: Failing To Stop For A School Bus

Unread post by lolwut »

Did you provide your ID to the bus driver? If not, Any ticket you receive would be as the owner of the vehicle and would not have demerit points.

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Re: Failing To Stop For A School Bus

Unread post by Rimzah »

Thank you for your answer, no I did not provide any id nor did he ask for it, but would the ticket carry a fine and a conviction as well ? Thank you for your answer in advance. I am just worried about my insurance as well.

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Re: Failing To Stop For A School Bus

Unread post by jsherk »

When you are charged and convicted as the DRIVER of a vehicle, then there is a fine, possible demerit points and usually an insurance increase.

When you are charged and convicted as the OWNER of a vehicle, there is a fine only and no demerts and no insurance increase.

How do you get charged as the driver? Either you gave your information to the bus driver (which you said you did not), or the police come knocing at your door and ask who was driving on that date and time you tell them it was you (which you don't have to tell them).

So assuming you dont tell the police you were driving, then the worst case is that you could receive a ticket as OWNER if the bus driver reported your vehicle and license plate.

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Re: Failing To Stop For A School Bus

Unread post by Rimzah »

No Police officer has come to my place and this incident happened this morning and I hope no one comes as well. If I am not at home as I work and someone else answers the door can they give the ticket that someone else to forward to me coz I am the owner as they didn't know who was driving the car.

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Re: Failing To Stop For A School Bus

Unread post by jsherk »

As the OWNER they can just mail it to you.

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Re: Failing To Stop For A School Bus

Unread post by Rimzah »

Great advise thank you so much. Just one last question would you by any chance know what the turn around time is for this, I mean from the time of the incident till the time a ticket is sent to us or a police coming home.

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Re: Failing To Stop For A School Bus

Unread post by jsherk »

The police have 6 months to issue the ticket, so it could take up to that long to occur.

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Re: Failing To Stop For A School Bus

Unread post by argyll »

But unlikely it would be that long. After 30 days the police need a summons which is much more work. If you last 30-40 days you're likely to be OK.

Former Ontario Police Officer. Advice will become less relevant as the time goes by !
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Re: Failing To Stop For A School Bus

Unread post by Rimzah »

Thank you

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