
Warn Range A Year Ago. Help Thanks.

Author: Dixoadam

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Warn Range A Year Ago. Help Thanks.

Unread post by Dixoadam »

I got a war range suspension last November and was wondering why my insurance never went up. I never told my insurance company about it because the officer told me that it was more of a warning and not an actual criminal offence. I get bad anxiety that it will come back and bite me at some point. I know what I did was wrong but I still feel like I let myself down and really can't afford a insurance increase. Any help would be great to clear my head. Is there anything I can do? Thanks again for any help.

Also wanted to add that in the whole year do you think they saw it and just let it be? Or do you think it's still hasn't been seen and it can still have a huge affect on my insurance.

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Re: Warn Range A Year Ago. Help Thanks.

Unread post by argyll »

A Warn should have no effect on your insurance. Just don't go getting a bunch of them !

Former Ontario Police Officer. Advice will become less relevant as the time goes by !
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Re: Warn Range A Year Ago. Help Thanks.

Unread post by Dixoadam »

What if I wanted to get a driving job? Would it affect employment? I hope not.

OTD Legal
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Re: Warn Range A Year Ago. Help Thanks.

Unread post by OTD Legal »

Dixoadam wrote:I got a war range suspension last November and was wondering why my insurance never went up. I never told my insurance company about it because the officer told me that it was more of a warning and not an actual criminal offence. I get bad anxiety that it will come back and bite me at some point. I know what I did was wrong but I still feel like I let myself down and really can't afford a insurance increase. Any help would be great to clear my head. Is there anything I can do? Thanks again for any help.

Also wanted to add that in the whole year do you think they saw it and just let it be? Or do you think it's still hasn't been seen and it can still have a huge affect on my insurance.

Can you provide more detail about what occurred? Was this an alcohol related warning, but no actual roadside suspension or vehicle impoundment?

You can pull your driver's abstract through the Service Ontario website here. You will be able to determine from that abstract whether or not the warning is visible on your driving record to third parties such as insurance.

Insurance companies do not always pull a driving abstract on every renewal period, although young drivers will generally be checked more often.

The content of this post is not legal advice. Legal advice can only be provided after a licenced paralegal has been retained, spoken with you directly, and reviewed the documents related to your case.
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Re: Warn Range A Year Ago. Help Thanks.

Unread post by Dixoadam »

It's on my abstract no points. It was a 3 day suspension he told me to park it in a parking lot and grab it tomorrow with my dad. So an employer will see it. I guess I just explain. It's not a charge and it does say WARN. I am scared I won't get hired by anyone now. I feel like an idiot.

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