- Reflections
- High Authority
- Posts: 1489
- Joined: Fri Apr 11, 2008 2:49 pm
- Location: somewhere in traffic
Such as the blue lights we see, they look blue at them, however still transmit a white light onto the road surface, hence those are still legal.
White on the road......
it is my understanding that installing HID onto a car using aftermarket kits is illegal.
the car must be designed from manufacturer to had HID kits..
HID designed cars have projector headlights, which focus the light into a small area. whereas halogen styled headlights refract the light in all directions. Putting a HID kit into a Traditional styled headlight will cause the whole thing to light up like a lighthouse and hurt the eyes of oncoming traffic.
now if you car has projector styled headlights from the manufacturer, i dont think it should be illegal to upgrade them yourself. especially if the higher model such as GT or whatever comes with them.
So what is the law. Is anything more than 8000 k illegal?
Tuns of imports and high end European makes come with 6000k HID's as stock.
- Reflections
- High Authority
- Posts: 1489
- Joined: Fri Apr 11, 2008 2:49 pm
- Location: somewhere in traffic
That section was written well before HID's were even thought of...what do you know, an outdated law that is still on the books. Is it still illegal to pay for something more then 25 cents in pennies?????????
Reflections wrote:That section was written well before HID's were even thought of...what do you know, an outdated law that is still on the books. Is it still illegal to pay for something more then 25 cents in pennies?????????
No, they moved it up to 50 cents...
"The hardest thing to explain is the obvious"
Ontario Traffic Ticket | Ontario Highway Traffic Act
Legal tender laws are funny.
They're is laws so you can not ask for payment in a certain type of money like quarters or pennies or nickles.
This is one way the government loves to hide inflation. In other countries as the government began to inflate the money supply people began to realize the money itself had more intrinsic value in the worth of the metal then the nominal value of the coin!
tdrive2 wrote:Legal tender laws are funny.
They're is laws so you can not ask for payment in a certain type of money like quarters or pennies or nickles.
This is one way the government loves to hide inflation. In other countries as the government began to inflate the money supply people began to realize the money itself had more intrinsic value in the worth of the metal then the nominal value of the coin!
Yeah, a penny costs 3.9 cents to make, so stock up on pennies!!!
"The hardest thing to explain is the obvious"
Ontario Traffic Ticket | Ontario Highway Traffic Act
Ya they're gonna be worth alot more to.
I want to see the balance sheet of the Bank of Canada this year.
Go look at the federal reserves balance sheet for this year along with m1. Disgusting.
Anyways what HID's are legal to use? I am guessing anything over 10 k is illegal. I know many European cars come with 6000k lights. the 4300 k are stock white OEM. I like the look of the 6000k and the 8000k. IMO i dont like the purplish tint to them. A small hint of blue is nice.
Printing 20's costs the same as 5's or 100's... With these inflation rates they need re-introduce the $1000 bills though, we will need them soon enough.
This year they'll go into debt to the tune of 90 bln. There goes whatever Chretien/Martin governments had paid off in 13 years (before this year we had a national debt of 490 bln). 90 bln translates into additional 5 bln per year in interest payments alone. Read more tickets.
"The hardest thing to explain is the obvious"
Ontario Traffic Ticket | Ontario Highway Traffic Act
Its good to find someone who thinks the same on this stuff.
Keynes and Fischer were wrong. Deficits to matter so does printing money. Inflation is the increase the money supply prices rise as a result.
Mises was right. Many people know this to. So do others such as F.A Hayek, Henry Hazlitt, Murray Rothbard. Everyone else has been wrong. The austrian economists were right since day one. So was ron paul, peter schiff, and gary north. They do are Austrian economists.
I laugh when someone says we wont get inflation from this. It will come that is the nature of fractional reserve banking. The fed is so terrified of their own policies they began paying interest on reserves held with them.
Anyways if your worried about inflation you need not know more. The Central Banks balance sheet, the monetary base, and the price of gold tell you all you need to know.
- Reflections
- High Authority
- Posts: 1489
- Joined: Fri Apr 11, 2008 2:49 pm
- Location: somewhere in traffic
so, how about those HID's........still not good to use them in a halogen reflector......
Reflectors are made differently. The main thing about an HID conversion and glare is the cutoff point - E-code headlamp units tend to have sharper cutoffs, as do factory HIDs (that's why most of them look like they're flashing highbeams at you on a bumpy road). The HID bulbs can emit much more light yet limit glare because they reflect pretty much all of that light onto the road, while SAE halogen headlamps tend to scatter some light upwards for reading signs. I have seen some conversions on Ford Escapes and the glare isn't bad at all. I have seen conversions on Cavaliers where the glare is worse than a normal vehicle using highbeams.
My answer would be - if you want to do an HID conversion, be prepared to scrap the project and eat the cost if your reflectors can't be made to handle the increased brightness. I highly doubt you would be pulled over for an HID conversion in a proper "white on road" colour temperature that does not give off excessive glare. In most cases you would just look like you installed some Cool Blue bulbs.
Well, I'm the one who started this thread months ago. I have been driving with the Green HID's for almost a full 3 months now, driven past dozens upon dozens of Police officers because i drive past 2 stations 2 times a day to and from school. I have been pulled over for speeding (verbal warning / no ticket) and no mention of the lights.
My conclusion is that the Police in Durham Region have better things to do than to bother me about some off colour headlights, as they should. I'm not selling drugs, I'm not hurting other people, the green is actually easier on the eyes than halogen or blue/white HID's so I think it is all good.
I'm studying to be a Police Officer and I have to say, knowing everything else that goes on in our community, the last thing I would do is waste time to write some kid a ticket for his headlights. The peoples tax money should be put to better use than that, seriously.
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