
Coming Back To Ontario (or Should I Even Bother)

Author: thatguy1234

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Coming Back To Ontario (or Should I Even Bother)

Unread post by thatguy1234 »

Hey guys!

Here is my nightmare. I was originally licensed in Onterrible (Full G) and moved to Nova Scotia. Switched my license. I was convicted of impaired driving while out there (dumb I know). Nova Scotia only requires you to do a year suspension and then reinstatement without restrictions. I had my license reinstated and received my full license BUT I was in Alberta (so now I have a Class 5; full license, no restrictions). To put insurance on my Ontario vehicle and drive it for the 70+ days I'll be there for holiday I (apparently) have to get my Ontario license back. BUT I know that Onterrible can be a little overzealous in imposing restrictions on impaired driving convictees. So my main question is, if I ever go back to Ontario for a license will I have to participate in an interlock program? Has anyone moved to Ontario with an impaired charge that was done and dealt with? Should I even bother or should I never return?

Also, I'm not opposed to the interlock, they just have mandatory enrollment time intervals which I cannot commit to with my current life.

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Re: Coming Back To Ontario (or Should I Even Bother)

Unread post by jsherk »

So you own a vehicle with Ontario plates on it already? Or you are coming to Ontario and you want to switch the plates to Ontario plates? And why would you need to get an Ontario license for a 70 day visit?

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Re: Coming Back To Ontario (or Should I Even Bother)

Unread post by bend »

It's hard to follow your vehicle situation.

If you've taken up residency in Ontario, you have 60 days to use your out of province license. If you're a visitor, you can use your license up to 90 days without having to do anything.

What is the situation with this car? Is it your car? Is it your parents car? Is it a car currently sitting in Ontario?

You can probably also rent a car if need be.

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