
Failure To Stop At Allway Stop Sign

Author: Ashley

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Failure To Stop At Allway Stop Sign

Unread post by Ashley »

Hi there

I was driving today morning and I was kind of stressed and it was new area all the sudden I realized that I completely failed to to stop at stop sign there was no police officer but city bus was coming from the front. I am totally assured that he noticed that I did not stop at stop sign. I know I was wrong and it is very dangerous. But can he report to police by showing dash cam footage from the bus. If yes what should I do?


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Re: Failure To Stop At Allway Stop Sign

Unread post by bend »

Probably at worst, the registered owner of the vehicle will get a letter warning that someone reported your driving. It wouldn't be enough to witness a car drive through a stop sign. For this particular charge, the driver would need to be identified.

That being said, transit drivers spend their whole day on the roads and in his head you're probably just another "clown who just went through a stop sign". He'll immediately go back to thinking whether or not he'll be able to stop the bus outside a Tim Hortons so he can use the washroom and get a coffee.

I wouldn't waste my Christmas worrying about it.

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