
Need Advice I'm From Moncton New Brunswick

Author: moneymo12

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Need Advice I'm From Moncton New Brunswick

Unread post by moneymo12 »

I'm from Moncton new Brunswick I couldn't find a tread for advice in nb but I thought maybe someone from here might be able to help me out I was driving on a 4 lane rd there was this school but I was in the 2nd lane beside the school bus the school bus was flashing it's lights yellow so I i passed the school bus and right when I passed my car was about 85% passed the bus the bus did not come to a complete stop and the stop sign wasn't all the way extended it was In the process I drove down the road to a gas station to put some gas in when a random pick up truck drove up and took a picture of my licence plate and drove off should I be worried ?? Will I get a ticket and what should I do

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Re: Need Advice I'm From Moncton New Brunswick

Unread post by bend »

Your answer may differ province to province.

1) You'll need to know the requirements for a school bus when receiving and discharging passengers. For example, in Ontario the driver would have to be stopped before activating the retractable stop sign.

2) In Ontario, you'd either be charged as the driver or the owner of the vehicle. If you weren't charged at the scene, the owner of the plates will be charged at a later date. This is a more desirable scenario since it doesn't carry points or insurance implications. This may not be the case in your province.

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Re: Need Advice I'm From Moncton New Brunswick

Unread post by moneymo12 »

No I wasn't charged at the scene it was just a random truck who pulled up 5 mins later when I was pumping gas and took a a picture of my licence plate he probably doesn't even have evidence video ect that anything took place so with out any proof can a ticket still be issued because it basically be my word against his

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Re: Need Advice I'm From Moncton New Brunswick

Unread post by daggx »

A ticket could still theoretically be issued, but the truck driver would have to come to court and testify against you if you changed the ticket. Then it would come down to which person the Justice of the Peace hearing the case found more credible. In reality I think it is fairly unlikely that the police will bother to issue a ticket based on one person's complaint, unless they had more proof then just their word.

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Re: Need Advice I'm From Moncton New Brunswick

Unread post by Whenaxis »

In some jurisdictions in Ontario, civilians can make complaints about driving offences to police. If the vehicle and plate information match, then some police departments will send a warning letter to the vehicle owner, which has no real legal consequences.

This may also be the case in your area.

Here's an example: ... Letter.asp
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