Disobey Stop Sign - Fail To Stop
I've been handed an invoice by the OPP for this.
I stopped at a red light (one that changes for no reason) at 10PM one night and I finally got fed up and went through the thing while it was still red (it's in front of a plaza and I made sure no one was exiting) but turns out that 1 OPP Explorer was in the lane behind & beside me about 8 cars back (no where close to properly observe the whole thing, just saw me drive through in the distance)
The officer has listed the following:
Disobey stop sign - fail to stop 136 (1) (a)
I see that this is different than a red light charge.
He has also only listed the street name without any exact number or intersection (it was on a major street).
Also, there was another officer with him, a Special Constable or Auxiliary I believe, and no "Witness" has been listed. Not sure if this matters, but just wanted to put it out there.
Does anyone have insight as to whether this is the right charge and potential ways to fight it? Thank you in advance for your help.
Re: Disobey Stop Sign - Fail To Stop
Witness refers to a non-police witness, street name alone is fine, 8 cars back is more than close enough to observe the offence, but
It would appear the charge is worded wrong.
Re: Disobey Stop Sign - Fail To Stop
What is the fine listed on the ticket?
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