
Someone Hit My Mom's Car Under The Underground Parking

Author: RandySolara

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Someone Hit My Mom's Car Under The Underground Parking

Unread post by RandySolara »

Someone hit my mom's car under the underground parking , video captured before he hits because Dashcam will be off when your car is off, that pickup truck was the only one near our car and we saw his trail track reverse into our car, got pictures, unfortunately our Cheap Dashcam could not show a clear video clip to see his Licence Plate, but we know the car model and make. Parking Surveillance Cam guy won't give us the video they said it was deleted. is there anything we can do ?

1, call go to collision report center ?

2, call insurance ?

or 3, try to get his licence plate and report after ?

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Re: Someone Hit My Mom's Car Under The Underground Parking

Unread post by QBall »

"1, call go to collision report center ?"

She will have do this if she plans to make a claim under insurance, however with no plate number of the other vehicle there isn't much the police can do

"2, call insurance ?"

If your mom has Collision or All Perils coverage, and the damage is over the deductible, then she can report it to the insurer after you report it to the police. If she doesn't have All Perils or Collision coverage and/or the damage is less than the deductible then don't bother reporting as it won't be covered.

"or 3, try to get his licence plate and report after ?"

You have 24 hours to report the collision to the Reporting Center so I wouldn't dawdle. Also if there are no witnesses and no useful video footage the chances of you obtaining the license plate number (unless the other party parks there or nearby regularly) is slim.

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Unread post by RandySolara »

Thank you Qball , That person is a construction worker he parked there for months until he hit my mom's car , the cheap dashcam did catch his licence plate number plus it covered with snow, it was monday night, i was waiting for him to come back on early Tuesday morning but he did not come back until today. Guess call it a bad luck day.

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