
Question About Licence Suspension/interview/demerit Point

Author: Tulec2

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Question About Licence Suspension/interview/demerit Point

Unread post by Tulec2 »

Hi there,

I'm going to try to call Service Ontario tomorrow, but I thought I'd post to see if anyone else has any idea of what the options may be. It is a bit long, but I will try to edit myself as best as possible to make it easy to follow.

My fiancee is currently incarcerated and will be getting out on day parole in December. After he went to prison in May, he found out that he needs to go to an interview or his licence is suspended, which made things a bit difficult given his current residence. I had called Service Ontario on his behalf at this point to see if we can book an interview for December to avoid the suspension (not like he would be driving anyway!). The individual I spoke to was understanding, but explained that his licence would be suspended regardless and he could book when he gets out. Disappointing, but understandable.

We have since realized that most of the demerit points that he had acquired would have occurred over 2 years ago and it looks like they would be off his record, leaving only one minor speeding ticket and he would be under the number that requires an interview.

Does this potentially mean that would just be able to renew his licence? Or does he still have to attend an interview?

Like I mentioned, I will call service Ontario tomorrow, but I'm just wondering if anyone else has any idea of the process, especially given this unique situation.

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Unread post by bend »

The most important thing to deal with is the surrendering of the license (when he is issued a suspension), and the fee for the interview. Do not ignore these two things or it will make the situation way more complicated than it needs to be.

He'll have to pay another fee again to have his license reinstated after the suspension is served, which I believe is something like $200.

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Re: Question About Licence Suspension/interview/demerit Point

Unread post by Sheryl1416 »

Hello, just wondering how the situation ended. My husband is in a similar position as in we are all out of the country for 3 months and don’t know what to do.

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