
175(20) Fail To Stop For School Bus - Owner

Author: hynterman

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175(20) Fail To Stop For School Bus - Owner

Unread post by hynterman »

Hi all,

I just got a ticket for this charge and am wondering how serious this is.

Reading up on the charge as far as I know I dont get any demerit points, it doesnt go on my drivers abstract, but will it be a record of conviction? If so, would that be apart of the drivers abstract?

And does being convicted affect insurance?

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Re: 175(20) Fail To Stop For School Bus - Owner

Unread post by bend »

It's the same as any parking ticket.

It follows the plates, not the license. That's because no one can verify the driver at the time of the incident.

If you don't pay, you can't renew your sticker. That's about it.

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Re: 175(20) Fail To Stop For School Bus - Owner

Unread post by hynterman »

Thanks bend!

So basically would you say its best to just pay the fine and call it a day? Nothing will show up on a driving record etc?

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Re: 175(20) Fail To Stop For School Bus - Owner

Unread post by bend »

Once you pay, that's it. You'll never hear about it again.

How you proceed depends how much free time you have.

If you can spare a day to have an early resolution meeting, you will likely get a reduction on the fine. Probably somewhere in the neighborhood of 30-40%. Only you can answer whether it's worth it or not.

If not, you can just pay it and be done with it.

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