License Plate Sticker / Exceptions Due To Covid
Hey Guy's
On the site, it gives exceptions for plate stickers, my renewal came up before covid
so it says I'm exempt till they say so..
That was March and were now in October, as much as I don't mind not paying, I'm now getting worried, I'll get asked to pay twice (my renewal comes up in April) or I'll get copped or something... anyone else in the same boat
Been checking my mail and checking the site on a weekly basis and stills says, (if on date) your exampt till advised. I'm driving around with a screenshot just in case.
If I get into an accident and I have no sticker could I get into any trouble.
thanks a lot guys
* NO you cant touch your phone
* Speeding is speeding
* Challenge every ticket
* Impaired driving, you should be locked up UNDER the jail